what vsts do you use for effects?


May 3, 2004
im getting tired of the generic nuendo effects when i need something like chorus/flanger/phaser/vocoder/etc. can someone recommend me some vsts that are good for these kinds of effects?
On screaming vocal tracks, I tend to use this VST I found a while ago called RubyTube. It basically has a few control knobs that let you tighten/limit/distort an audio signal a little bit, and I like the way it sounds. No idea how it compares to the zillions of other free distortion plug-ins, or where I found it to download! Haha.
On screaming vocal tracks, I tend to use this VST I found a while ago called RubyTube. It basically has a few control knobs that let you tighten/limit/distort an audio signal a little bit, and I like the way it sounds. No idea how it compares to the zillions of other free distortion plug-ins, or where I found it to download! Haha.

Your talking about the Silverspike RubyTube free plugin. http://www.silverspike.com/?Download
