what will you do on New Year's Eve?

December 31, 2004 plans:

10:00am- hit snooze button
10:05am- hit snooze button
10:10am- hit snooze button
10:15am- hit snooze button
10:20am- hit snooze button
10:25am- hit snooze button
10:30am- turn off that fucking alarm, crawl out of bed, go pee-pee, brush my teeth, get dressed and walk across the street to work
11:05am- listen to some asshole tell me I'm late
11:30am- finally wake up, realize I need to poop
11:31am- take a healthy Bavarian dump
12:20am- flush toilet
12:21am- smoke break
12:30am- finally get some work done
2:00pm- smoke break, eat something
4:00pm- smoke break
6:30pm- sneak out of work early as I'm bored
7:00pm- take a shower
8:07pm- start drinking

January 1, 2005:

5:00am- after a night of drinking myself sick, embarrassing myself in front of women and falling down a lot, go back to bed

So, it'll be the same as any other day, pretty much.
We're gonna go to my mate's two-floor student home which gonna be packed with like 30-40 people. one of the guys is gonna bring an amplifier and a dj set with two cd-players, so there's gonna be some loud and good music thru out the whole night (it's pretty much in the middle of nowhere, so we're staying there till morning) :rock:
going to a gettogeather at my dad's place and eat some birdies. been invited to a party at my mate's place, but I'm sick to death of those "rawk'n'roell" booze parties so I probably won't go.
The same thing as usual, stay at home sleeping-watching tv-eating. I've been invited to a supplies party by my boss's wife but I said noooo, and by my sister but I said noooo. Someone'll have to take care of the dog, she freaks out on New Year's Eve because of the fireworks, once she got so scared she ran off, and I was looking for her for half an hour and got back without her but she was waiting for me in front of our block :D
Maqus said:
I've been invited to a supplies party by my boss's wife but I said noooo, and by my sister but I said noooo.
Hmm perhaps I should've rejected the offer too. Actually, this may be my last try at having fun on New Year's Eve. Most parties turned out to be a pain in the ass :erk:
i've a feeling that me mates want me to come with them. i on the other side
would like to fekc off considering what a disaster it was last year, (almost no
fun like). however, ill give it a thought.

so as for now ive got two alternatives:

1. stay at home
2. go out with me friends