what will you do on New Year's Eve?

whats a wow? do you mean resolutions?

I intend to carry on dieting and going the gym thats about it. Oh yeah and generally sort out my priorities.

This should last about a fortnight.
One of my vow-things could be to get drunk before I die, just to see what it feels like. I'm too unbrave for it though, and I don't want to get drunk alone either. It's not a new-year resolution, I've been thinking about it for years.
You just have to keep drinking, it is kind of easy, start with beer and then follow with vodka with lemon or just vodka. Absolut is the best.

The worst bit is the hungover, but dont worry while you dont have to climb a mountain the next morning, it is ok.
Hm, it is somewhat dehumanizing and scary too, ehh. Either way I'll let you know when it's happened.

I'm not sure about vodka.
Yeah, the question implied "why do you want to get thinner"? I think you're okay the way you are, as far as I could see you in your pics. :)