what would be the best equipment/software...

Well actually soundforge is easy too also effects of soundforge is better(except of those shits like "vocal remove" for karaoke)than audition.
For my opinion audition is for fun.And audition's biggest weakness is convolution process.
If you are serious(not professional) about your demo use a good software.
dark_Exile said:
Well actually soundforge is easy too also effects of soundforge is better(except of those shits like "vocal remove" for karaoke)than audition.
For my opinion audition is for fun.And audition's biggest weakness is convolution process.
If you are serious(not professional) about your demo use a good software.

you're right about the convolution
Vincent J. said:
btw, cerulean, do you know anything about mics for recording drums?
I'd like some information so I can see how much I will be spending (maybe...probably...) in the future

What are you willing to pay? I know a lot about drum mics.
Unicorn said:
What are you willing to pay? I know a lot about drum mics.
ah, thanks for your help:)
ehm, I don't want the cheapest crap, or over the top hypertech or something:p ,I'm looking for some decent stuff.
I don't have money now anyway, so, I just want to know so I can see if it's possible etc.
Ok here we go...

Bassdrum: Shure Beta 91 (it's so much better than all these "egg-mics", at least for rock/metal)

Snare top: Many people use a Shure sm57 (live and in the studio, it's good)
You can also go for an Audix i5, which is pretty similar but more "unknown"

Snare bottom:
Any small diaphragm condeser mic, because you have lot's of high frequencies. I would take a cheap one that can handle a lot of pressure.

Toms: Sennheiser e604 or Sennheiser MD441/421, but those are more expensive I guess

Hihat / Ride: Again a small diaphragm condeser mic.
Tip: You can place the one for the Ridecymbal underneath the Ridecymbal

Overheads: A pait of small diaphragm condenser. I can totally recommend the russian mics "Oktava Mk012". The cost 130 € each and are so great. You can also use them for Flute, acoustic Guitars, Violin, Cello ...
Vincent J. said:
great! this is sounding good to me.:)
question: 'Toms: Sennheiser e604' is that one tom each?
and do you know about what price this will be all together?

Yes, one tom each. :(
As a compromise you could try miking two toms with one mic.
Ok, I'll calculate it for you...

Beta 91 = 295 €
Sm57 = 89 €
e604 = 115 € each

2 Oktava Mk012 = 250 €

3 mics for snare bottom, hihat, ride... maybe you take some cheap ones from Fame. I don't know what they sound like, but they maybe cost 70 € only each.
okay, lets put that together, and we'll get:
295+89+(3x115)+250+250= 1229,-
I'm glad to see it's quite 'affortable'.
Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it, it's a push in the right direction for me.
ehm btw, the overhead mics are for the cymbals right?
and do you know where to put the shure beta 91? because it's a bit odd shaped...
btw, is it OK for me to bother you for your help?:p
Oh my goodness, these expert-talkings are confusing the hell out of me *lol* ... you freaks, you (;

Vincent J. said:
btw, is it OK for me to bother you for your help?:p
It surely is ^^ ... I tell you, Unicorn is one of the loveliest & coolest guys on earth :) (;
Vincent J. said:
okay, lets put that together, and we'll get:
295+89+(3x115)+250+250= 1229,-
I'm glad to see it's quite 'affortable'.
Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it, it's a push in the right direction for me.
ehm btw, the overhead mics are for the cymbals right?
and do you know where to put the shure beta 91? because it's a bit odd shaped...
btw, is it OK for me to bother you for your help?:p

Totally ok. But I think "normal" people aren't really interested in that ;)

You lay this inside the bassdrum. So, It's a must that you have a hole in the rear BD-skin.

And that's some possible overhead position
Unicorn said:
Totally ok. But I think "normal" people aren't really interested in that ;)

You lay this inside the bassdrum. So, It's a must that you have a hole in the rear BD-skin.

And that's some possible overhead position
okay, danke danke:)
I'll continue in PM so I wont jepordise (?:p) this thread
Cerulean said:
But this guy, no_reply... has no intentions to do anything professional I'm sure... I mean, he's still quite new at guitars and stuff.
lol i knew u would came up with something.....yeah actually i've been playing geetar for about 7 years now......but it's time to record something even though i don't know shit about gear/equipment:heh:
Hehe I was only assuming because you asked me for a Rainroom tab (I tabbed it myself when I was playing guitar for less than a year), and asked the forum about fast picking :p So I thought you were quite new at guitars...
I can't afford a mic, so I'll plug the guitar directly in the computer (yeah, proffesionalism just got 99 points down :lol:), does enyone know a good virtual effects program?
Cerulean said:
Hehe I was only assuming because you asked me for a Rainroom tab (I tabbed it myself when I was playing guitar for less than a year), and asked the forum about fast picking :p So I thought you were quite new at guitars...
lol u're right. well it's been just 7 months hehe
Androz said:
I can't afford a mic, so I'll plug the guitar directly in the computer (yeah, proffesionalism just got 99 points down :lol:), does enyone know a good virtual effects program?

Yes, this www.simulanalog.org plugin (freeware) Erik mentioned is totally great. Everyone that just plugs his guitar in the computer should use this. I don't want to hear "line-out" guitars on KFUCK 2 ;)

Yes, it's an option to leave hihat and ride mics away. That's enough to start and getting good results.
But the bottom snare mic is pretty important, because otherwise you'd propably get pretty dull snares or you have to eq the shit out of the top-mic. But it will work only with a top-snare mic, when you add a lot of high frequencies to it.