What would complement an ENGL Powerball?


Feb 15, 2007
Tampere, Finland

We've just started to record our second album and we're going to use
the ENGL Powerball and a Krank cabinet for the main guitar sounds.
I'd like to quadruple some of the riffs and choruses for a thicker, meatier
sound. Er.. you know what I mean. Our first album was a bit of a trial run
and I didn't know so much about great guitar tones!

We'll probably add some low tuned guitar parts in there somewhere (drop a or
somewhere in that region).

Amps available to us are: ENGL Fireball, Krank Rev1, Triple XXX, 6505(and +),
JSX, Hughes & Kettner Trilogy and Switchblade 100. (Some of the few perks
of working at a musical instrument store :loco: )

What I've gathered from reading here and elsewhere - and also listening in the
shop, of course - is that the 6505 would probably be my best choice.

Of course it all depends on the type of music, riffs, blah blah, but going by
the nature of these amps, what would you suggest?

Jussi Kulomaa

I would have thought the Rev might be quite interesting! Lucky git having access to all that lovely kit :p

The rev 1 and 6505 seem to be a popular combo ive noticed!
Mmm, the more I hear of the Powerball, the less I seem to like it - even though I own it :/

All the semi/pro recordings done at proper places and volume have the same trademark thin high frequency fizz to it along the basic sound. It's a bitch trying to remove it too.
Mmm, the more I hear of the Powerball, the less I seem to like it - even though I own it :/

All the semi/pro recordings done at proper places and volume have the same trademark thin high frequency fizz to it along the basic sound. It's a bitch trying to remove it too.


the only good Engls are the Blackmore and the Savage-series


the only good Engls are the Powerball and the Savage-series

I'm confused. I think either you meant Fireball or you read his as Fireball. I'm not trying to break balls [/pun] I'm actually curious which you meant
Dang, we have a crappy amp! :ill:

Seriously, though, we've been pleased with the sound of the ENGLs (Powerball and Fireball). Our music isn't that fast or technical so they've served us well. Especially the Powerball, which is a very versatile amp.
I don't know.. something about the sound of Peavey amps just doesn't sound right to me as our main sound. Don't get me wrong, they're great amps! Maybe I just don't have a clue as to what really is our sound! :lol:

Anyways, thanks for all the input. I think I'll go with the 6505 as a second amp. Maybe that'll fill out the slightly scooped sound of the PB...
Plus I can get it on loan pretty easily! (Gotta ask about that Krank, also) :p
I'd say either the 6505/ JSX, or try the Rev1. I'm listening to your myspace (good stuff btw) and like you said, it isn't all that fast or anything. The Peaveys would give you a "used" sound, but mixing the Rev with the PB might give you an individual and huge sound.

..seriously, I have to move to Finland or something. The amount of good to great bands coming from there now days is insane. I don't think I'd have a huge problem finding like-minded musicians there, as I would/ do here.