All range microphone for ENGL powerball?


Apr 17, 2009
hello guys
i've been trying different microphones for the engl powerball and i discovered that with an All range microphone the sound is WAY BETTER for this head.
the sm57 is a killer mic but it doesn't fit for the powerball for me.
do you have any suggestions of what all range mic should a buy for that?
(not really really expensive,normal price)
he means what the most flexible mic for any ENGL amp
use either an sm 57 ( or a 58 ..their the exact same )
or try a md421 and an e609
cut the high end from the 421 and cut the lowend from the e609
Please post a picture of an "All range mic".
Probably an omni? or a condenser....
I tried a condenser and an sm57 this week with a powerball and a H&K head (v30) sounded close as usual..and when I tried to raise the presence or the highs, it become fizzy as hell. I used my 6505+ and it was like night and day.
Don't know how Tue could get a good sound for The Haunted and the last Dark Tranquillity with it.
Try the SM57 but use different positions, like angling the microphone or moving it two or three inches away from the cab grill. The Powerball isn't used much for recording and I think it's because of the somewhat unique high-end that is difficult to capture without sounding harsh.