What would get you more excited about a fest...


Red, Hot, and Heavy
Jul 6, 2002
San Antonio, TX
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... a huge headliner name like an Avantasia thing or a band doing a special kind of set sort of like Evergrey did at VII with their quartet?

I think I remember something about Nevermore going to do a special Prog Power set or something like that before the Disturbed tour came up. I also remember people getting excited about that. Like the Manowar fest. Man, that sounds pretty cool. How many bands bust out their entire back catalog like that? How many bands that have lengthy careers even play more than a few songs off their debut or early albums save for the obvious hit? (Majesty by Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden by Iron Maiden)
Neither of those sound particularly appealing to me at this point in time. Side bands like Avantasia where there are just guest musicians somehow seem to lack personality for me. Yes, I like the music but I need a little more than that to connect with the show.

The specialty shows would be fine if we had regular tours rolling through yearly like they do in Europe. It's still a bit of a treat here, though, for shows (although it's getting MUCH better) so I don't want to see any type of gimmick right now. If I had to choose one of the two choices, though, I'd pick this one.
For me, an Avantasia show would require all the characters on the recordings - as in the actual vocalists - along with a well-done stage show with props, lighting, etc. etc. If THAT were to happen, I would pay out the ass for it.
It's a hard choice. It would depend on the bands involved. For example, if the huge headliner name was a band I was only so-so on, it wouldn't get me as excited as, say, a special set from one of my favorite bands.
Special shows do it for me. I like feeling like I get something special because of the elite nature of the PP crowd. The Oliva acoustic show. The All Star Jam. Special guests. Heck, even 'Stars'! I'm usually slightly disappointed when a band does the same standard set at PP that they do on tour. PP is special to me. I like it when the band notices that.

Steve in Philly
What i really like in a festival is having the new up and coming bands like this year, SAINT DAEMON, PATHOSRAY, SUE. To me this is what a festival is all about, the chance for new bands to showcase their stuff, and to build on their fanbase. Plus it is usually the new guys that steal the show.
I just want to feel like a band isn't merely going through the motions and doing their typical set.

But I also think that bands should change up their set every show, and even be willing to add/subtract from it on the fly.
That way I see it, 99% of special sets will offer little ROI to a promoter. If you're a Nevermore fan, you're going to see Nevermore regardless of what their set list is. Might you draw a few die-hards, who will be more inclined to travel if they're doing a special one-off, like a "Dreaming Neon Black" set? Yes. Enough to make the difference between whether a festival ends up in the red or the black? I seriously doubt it.

Since I derive 70% of my self-esteem from bragging about special shows I've seen (have I mentioned that I saw Green Carnation play all of 'Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness, or Iced Earth play their two 'Alive In Athens' shows?), I vote for the special set thing.

Some of that is probably because in Chicago I get an opportunity to see almost any band that tours, so I generally need something else to inspire me to travel to a fest.

That way I see it, 99% of special sets will offer little ROI to a promoter.

I think you need to consider long-term ROI and not just immediate ROI. Bands regularly doing special sets at a fest builds up the reputation of that fest as a place where special things happen. It builds up excitement for the next year, particularly if the "special" things are unannounced, or are announced only after tickets sold out. Everyone talking about how awesome last year was and how lucky they were to have been there can only inspire faster ticket sales for the next year.

That way I see it, 99% of special sets will offer little ROI to a promoter. <SNIP> Enough to make the difference between whether a festival ends up in the red or the black? I seriously doubt it.


Agreed, but the question was not what makes the promoter the most money overall, but what gets the folks on the board most interested. We've long ago established that, even though PP is an elite fest, the board is only a small population of that small population. Glenn (or any promoter) will do what needs to be done to make money off a show. For me, however, I prefer having something special at PP.

Steve in Philly
I'd love to see famous frontmen with their solo bands at future PPUSAs, such as:
Bruce Dickinson
Blaze Bayley
Rob Halford
Geoff Tate
Ronnie James Dio
Doug Pinnick