what would jake do?


Overly-Cryptic Jake
so, stephs great grandma is in a home... but she hates it.

here is what she is offereing.

she will give ANYONE in the family $200,000 to take care of her until she dies... just so she doesn't have to live in a home.

what would you do?

(i mostly think about aida being 3-4 and finding a dead great great grandma)
this is freaking me out! i can't imagine someone in my family having to OFFER money to be taken care of. i just can't. i'm sitting here semi-mind-blown.
it's making me feel sort of sad.
she must have done something REAL BAD to get that sort of treatment. i mean, my grandmother is fairly horrid to everyone (except me and my cousin jacki) and no one would ever let her go in a nursing home. even if she OD's on valium once a month and calls my dad a no good fuckwad.
i dunno, there's a point at which a home is the best decision for someone who can't take care of herself, and it's not really fair to expect your family to quit their jobs and give you the kind of full-time care nurses draw salaries for providing.
yea, i guess i mean, typically, in this country, that's how it goes. i just can't imagine ever letting my mom or dad stay in a nursing home ever though. i'd never let it happen.
i think if my mom was so demented she didnt recognize me and needed someone to take care of her literally 24 hours a day and i couldn't afford a personal nurse, i'd go the home route. 'course i'd feel bad about it, but i don't think it would be the wrong thing to do.
i'm not saying it's wrong or right. i'm just saying there's no way i could do it. i've just seen way too much bad stuff at nursing homes. both personally (as having worked at one) and from jobs working at law offices doing elder services law. my mom has already asked me to 'off her' if she ever gets crazy, and my dad too. she actually was psyched when i got into med school because of this (more access to drugz). too bad i didn't go.