What would you ask Children of Bodom?


Dec 22, 2003
Hey guys,

Im interviewing CoB tomorrow night for my TV show, METAL Injection. I figured who better to ask what they want to know about COB then people on their official forum...so any questions you guys want answered?
ask them when they are going to headline in the US. Tell him that their is a crowd that would die to see them come to the troc in philly.

btw, rob, im the guy who always busted you about spamming the icix r0x0r music forum. ITs all good now that your going to interview bodom :headbang:
Silver Incubus said:
2 ways, practice (slowly with a metronome) and learning solos of other artists and using them as reference on how they built a solo based upon the unerlyining chord structures

yea, seriously, why waste your time with a question like that when their are millions of other guitarists and people on these forums to tell you?

and asking him how he is doing is a pretty generic question. i dont think it would mean much to him at all. maybe it would, but he probably gets asked that real often in these interviews.
ask them the true question every body wants to know..........who the hell is the ultimate corpse of espoo?!?!?!?! and how much alexi and janne practice!
EternalMetal said:
and asking him how he is doing is a pretty generic question. i dont think it would mean much to him at all. maybe it would, but he probably gets asked that real often in these interviews.
Well, it's a nice way to start a conversation, instead of rushing right to business. But it doesn't need to be included in the printed interview, after all it's rather irrelevant how someone was doing in a particular date some weeks ago ;)
I already asked him "whats your fav place to drink at home" and he told me "this place called the "corner".. a gothic bar" and said that I would like it.. lol at first i was like.. is he joking? lol the corner.. haha sounds that might be his fav place to puke haha
please...ask for when a Europe gig....plz :p He likes Barcelonas beach, why he dont come again ? thanks and good luck :)
"Alexi, could you take my virginity?"