What would you do with 7 million dollars

only if you dress up as Vlad the Impaler and have lunch with me among the corpses on the pole.
*sigh* I'd pay off the house, finish the remodeling I started, buy a taller fence for the yard, get a kennel license, rescue rottweilers as a hobby, BUY THAT RV SSJ4SephirothX POSTED!!! and then invest the rest so I can retire early and live off the interest. (Damn that's a cool RV)
I'd buy land in a private, tropical place and set it all up to be completely self contained so that I'd never have to leave and could just live off of my own land. I'd have animals, but I wouldn't eat them. I'd have all sorts of amazing gardens and fruit plants and trees. A recording studio and practice space for my band, all sorts of sporting activities: tennis courts, basketball courts, etc. I'd have a nice big gym with lots of exercise equipment and wrestling mats. My land would definitely need to have forests so I could build some dirt jumping trails and hiking trails, etc.

But the best part is that I'd have places for all my closest friends (mainly the guys in my band) and their families to live as well and they'd get to enjoy the self contained lifestyle in paradise with me.

Now that I think about it, all that stuff would probably cost a lot more than 7 million dollars heh. So I guess, to answer the real question... I'd invest that 7 million dollars and wait for it to grow and THEN build my own paradise.

That would be nice! For now it is only a dream :lol:
this cant be real
Buy a shit load of top of the line guitars and amps.

Oh, and throw a crap load of money at the Ibanez LA custom shop so they would make me the perfect guitar.