what would you like to ask jonas or anders

ooh,i had exactly the same as dismal in my mind...
i would particularly like to ask about the Dance of december souls era

and also what the Tomb of Insomnia song is about...

Dismal your avatar rocks!! I love this cover : ))
How are you? :p :lol:

I want to ask about the lyrics of "Gateways of braevement"
You should be 17 years old when you wrote it's lyrics!
But writing that lyrics need over 25 years' experience (this is my thought)

Who is "YOU" in this song?
(your lover,or your friends lover or something else...)
Jonas why didnt i ever seen you posting on the forum??? Anders what the hel is that shit about Blackheim?? dont you know its unfashionable to use blacky nerdy nicknames in real life??

then i would say... man my future has to be this... doing gigs, spreading a message... receiving massages... can i go with you on tour? can you borrow me some funds... or better a garage??

or maybe... ah ah ah, those idiots think that Without God is a satanick song.... ah ah ah... its an atheist song... Northern Silence and Palace Of Frost are the only satanicks ones around here...

well got to go
i think i'd be like:confused: i would ask them about their feelings concerning the world we live in. In what mood does Jonas/the band write the lyrics/the music and how they define depression for themselves. In an interview i once read they said that melancholy is a very important part in their life and that they are very busy with it, that would interest me a lot because i think that many people only deal with the "good" things and feelings they have. They are never busy thinking about feelings like melancholy or depression,because many of them say:"why should i?"or:"are you kind of masochistic?!" So many drink away their paín and grief. I DON'T WANT TO JUDGE THESE PEOPLE! It's just that i think we could try to offer a bit more of our power and interest trying to deal with these feelings and trying to understand these feelings if you all know what i mean - This band helped me a lot with that- I think feelings are one of the most interesting and wonderously things in the world,so important. I believe that if we go through things that hurt and really try to cope with them that we can be very strong through that. Of course i know that everyone "feels" everything different and so it's very hard for me trying to explain what i mean without offending anyone but that's a very important thing i wanted to talk about and i am thinking about posting a new thread about it,what do you think?
I'd like to meet with Anders and then......

I'd like to jam with him on acoustic guitars!
Yes, that's IT!
That's my dream!
Two of us, in some room, playing & singing whatever is on our hearts on that special moment, and.....
Yeah, I know. I'd probably die after that. Heartache and all that...;)
Maybe it will come true.
Some day...
I would ask them if they could sign my 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' CD. I actually met them in Tuska Open Air festival in Helsinki, Finland last year. To bad the music was so loud that I could not even thank them for their autographs, let alone talk with them for a while....

I would also ask them if their custom made pics are any good.