What would you prefer in apartment?Mice 2x12 or get signal from preamp with impulses?


Mar 15, 2010
I know, some of you guys tried that...
Do you think if the tone created from signal from preamp of my peavey 6505 (of course there will be attenuator instead of cab) loaded with impulses could be as good as miced cab?
With impulses there is a huge variability of tones you can get, so I think, it could be better solution for recording in the apartment.... and umm I think it should sound perfectly as live miced cab.. am I wrong? :)
I think you could get desirable sounds with the impulses. Lately I've been messing with Recabint and it's pretty much sold me on impulses. Sure I like miking up my Eden too because I know exactly what sound it produces and I know I like it, but I can't always do that, like when recording at night I just record direct with a preamp and then use impulses, both ways sound good to me. And I also like the impulse route because if you record a cab you can't switch the position of the microphone after its tracked but with impulses you could have one for the cone of the speaker one for the rim etc... I say give it a shot and see how you like it.
i find impulses work well for me too. I cant really pump the volume through my cab where i live to be able to mic it properly, and the ability to change impulses after tracking gives you alot of options

Ermz: Difference? You mean sound saturation caused by real tubes?

btw, thanks for recordings, sounds brutal! :)
Been doing re-amps for a few projects recently where I recorded using impulses and am now micing the cab. The difference for me is huge, even recording in a not great acoustically room. There's much more depth. You can definately get great tones using impulses but I think if you've got the cab, gear and are in a situation where you can get "real" tracks you should definately try.
Ermz do you mind me asking why you decided to go with impulses on those recordings when you have access to decent cabs etc?

just curious is all :)
Been doing re-amps for a few projects recently where I recorded using impulses and am now micing the cab. The difference for me is huge, even recording in a not great acoustically room. There's much more depth. You can definately get great tones using impulses but I think if you've got the cab, gear and are in a situation where you can get "real" tracks you should definately try.

and were you gettin' a signal from a real amp?
212 by far. as someone already pointed out, even with sub-par acoustics and low-ish volume a mic'ed cab still sounds much much more realistic and has more depth.