What your favorite CoB song??

fuck , you won't make me believe that this fucking thread wasen't exist before that ! if so , fuck am anoyed ! if not , well man you wasted some fucking UM server memory again ! just like if they have not enough fucking problems ! god damn fucking shit , reloading 5 times the same fucking page is not my fucking favorite hobbie ! but anyway heres my awnser : this is hatebreeder i like the most. why ? because its the most violent and the most fucking hatefull !
i love the nail on something wild, i know its more simple then some of their others but the part in the middle where alexi duels with the keyboardist gets me every time, for some reason when i hear it i have to rewind to that part 10 times before i get my fill.
they all are good but Downfall, Towards dead end, Hate ME! and Black widow... and Aces High.... and Hellion... and many more.. but those are best...
this is stupid post...=) you cant say the best...=P
Oh no!! Not again!!!
Ok, if I have to choose ONE, I think that it´s....... ummmm......mmmmm......mmmmmmmmmmmm................mmmmmmmmmm......... ehhhhhh....................Downfall.
My Favorites are :

Downfall and Everytime i die.
Kissing.. and Silent night.. is very good also..
and Lake Bodom..

What a fucking guestion is this ?
all the Songs are just great, they have their own Depth and Musical Majorities..

Vittu mä osaa enklantii..
Fuck i can't speak enklish
As of right now I'd have to say it's Everytime I Die, but then again I haven't listened to Hatebreeder in a while, oh well so many bad ass bands, so little time.