

Have you heard such a thing?
Check this message Re: Live shows....
I know not many of you collect those things...

Re: Ninja Shack
Date: May 11, 2005 6:55 PM
Live recordings are not "bootlegs" unless someone sells one.Live recordings are recordings of unknown origin and are notillegal to tape or trade.Taping one usually violates the rulesof the TicketBastards agreement but it's not illegal.Making a copy of studio recordings is illegal, that includes makingan MP3 of Ninja Shack. I bought Japanese CD's of Mescalero,and whatever Ninja Shack was on to get those recordings andothers should have to do the same instead of copying themillegally. There's no way on Earth I would copy a studio recordingfor someone as not only is it illegal it's not cool to the band tosteal their work like that.The largest organized crime operation in the world which knowinglyencourages and profits from copyright piracy is eBay, so if you wantto purchase illegal copies of anything, you can get them cheap oneBay and the shareholders all get a slice of the crime. I don'tsuggest it though as that too is illegal.

And yes even SOULSEEK is mentioned on this!

06:40 PM 5/10/2005, delage.brice wrote:>Yes, piratism...>Were does it began, where does it ends...>>If you want those rare ZZ songs, live bootlegs, figure out a peer to peer>program called soulseek, http://www.slsknet.org , download the little prog>(free and safe). Enter my username ("beedoo") in the userlist (rightup>window). If I'm connected, it will show a blue bird (If not, a red one).>>Then you can acces to my shared folders ( including many bootlegs, rare>stuff etc...) by right clickin' "browse files" on my username. I'mnot>sharing everything at the same time, so if you have a request, just ask...>If some of you experience connection problem with a message sayin' "error>tryin to get file list", there is nothing I can do, it's a current bug on>soulseek no one can fix.>>Friendly From France>Brice Delage>>>-----
Heard of which... bootlegs or soulseek?

Seems like everybody's got a different definition of what is acceptable to trade. I definately don't see a problem with trading / collecting live shows ... I've got hundreds of them. But there are plenty of Lars Ulriches out there who are warped & think it hurts the band to trade live shows.

I'm surprised that there are still companies selling boots. I can't understand why anyone would ever need to buy a bootleg live show any more, in this era of the internet, cd burners, BitTorrents, etc. 10 years ago was a different story, for sure....
sixxswine said:
The definition...
This guy here makes it sound like he know what he's talking about...
Sounds legit.

So are politicians...

BTW, bootlegs are boring never understood what's the big deal with them. I'm not even very high on official live albums.

As for SoulSeek (or nay other way to get music without paying) I must say I'm totally in PRO of checking the music before a purchase due to the insane prices of albums these days. But I'm also totally AGAINST of sharing music with the sole purpose of avoid the purchase of material you like.
Wyvern said:
So are politicians...

BTW, bootlegs are boring never understood what's the big deal with them. I'm not even very high on official live albums.

As for SoulSeek (or nay other way to get music without paying) I must say I'm totally in PRO of checking the music before a purchase due to the insane prices of albums these days. But I'm also totally AGAINST of sharing music with the sole purpose of avoid the purchase of material you like.

Agreed! completely! ... as for Boots .. I love em! I like to hear the band Fuck up and get parts wrong and all that it reasurres me they are still human
I don't like bootlegs that much, quality mostly is too low....BUT, if it's a concert you've been to yourselve that's the best souvenir you can find...Like I recently found a live tape of a 80's Overkill concert I was at...Now that's nice to have !!!
carnut said:
I don't like bootlegs that much, quality mostly is too low....BUT, if it's a concert you've been to yourselve that's the best souvenir you can find...Like I recently found a live tape of a 80's Overkill concert I was at...Now that's nice to have !!!

I agree! As a rule I stay away from bootlegs but I have a bootleg from a gig Slayer played in the Dynamo club. And yes, I was present :)
carnut said:
I don't like bootlegs that much, quality mostly is too low....BUT, if it's a concert you've been to yourselve that's the best souvenir you can find...Like I recently found a live tape of a 80's Overkill concert I was at...Now that's nice to have !!!

on the Progpower site there is a Brainstorm Video from PPUSA V its great to watch just because I was actually there ... so yeah! your right that is the best kind of souvenir :grin:
Wyvern said:
BTW, bootlegs are boring never understood what's the big deal with them. I'm not even very high on official live albums.
I'm with Wyvern on this subject. The amount of official live albums I own can be counted on one hand and I hardly ever listen to any of them. I'm big into the production and most live albums sound too hollow for my tastes. Bootlegs hold no appeal to me whatsoever.

As for downloading music...if it weren't for P2P programs, I wouldn't have bought over 200 cds in the past three years. Morpheus got me back into music in 2001. For ten years before that I just listened to my old 80s metal because the only new music I was exposed to was grunge and nu-metal. :yuk:

I had no idea there was a huge European movement that had revived the old 80s sound...not until Morpheus told me.
Shit at work I get bootlegs of movies all the time. I recently recieved Amityville Horror,
Sin City and Deadbirds it's cheaper than a matinee and I consume some adult bevvies
and watch the flick in the comfort of my own home. I might be getting a bootleg
of a Enochian Crescent playing live by of all ppl a member of that band!