

New Metal Member
I'm new here. Just wanna say hi & that Anthrax is pretty cool. I bought Return of the Killer A's yesterday & it rules, particularly Crush. My god, I haven't gotten my ass kicked by a song so badly since I heard Metallica's Master of Puppets for the first time.

Anyways, I was reading the member profiles & it said that Frank Bello play Drums & Lead Guitar in the band. What boggles me is what does he does live. Does he play drums live & Scott plays lead, or does he play lead live & they have a hired hand to play drums or what. :confused: Someone help me out here.
Hey there,

Glad you like the band. And I agree "Crush" is one kick ass song.

Frank Bello is the bass player... He might have done vocals a couple of times (back vocals most of the time), but he is the bass player. Scott Ian is the rhythm player of the band and writes most of the lyrics along with John Bush (vocals). Charlie Benante plays the drums and is the main song writer.
Hey! Welcome to the board! Is Killer A's the only Anthrax album you have?
Glad you like it!
Crush is an awesome tune, but if you think it's great, just wait until you hear Volume 8 from beginning to end.

That is, if you're lucky enough to find a copy. Just don't ask one of us to burn it for you, or we'll open up a whole can of worms again...

Welcome to the group...join all the other worshippers...

:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Volume8 is so hard to find because the record label went bankrupt and stopped distributing it. So there you go, and oh yeah the other question..... re....I don't know. Hey anbody got any ideas?

:) :)
This is from the gAyOL chat posted at anthrax.com.

Q: will volume 8 be re-released cuz i cant find it anywhere.

CharlieThrax: That's one of our major concerns is to re-release that record, the casulty that was that record is something that we would like to repair. It saddens me when I hear people tell me that they can't find a copy. I have even offered to burn it for some people. There are some legalities involved with re-releasing it and we are looking to get those rectified.