Whatever happened to...

I've just seen the news that the NWOBHM (Nostalgic Wave of British Heavy Metal) rolls on! Diamond Head supported by Demon at a venue 25 minutes walk from my home, Witchfinder General reform...

That started me thinking about bands that seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth, So I'd be really grateful if anyone has info about:

Cloven Hoof

If anyone else can think of Bands the Time Forgot, we might just be able to come up with a little new info...

Just a thought!

I'm pretty certain that Cloven Hoof have released a "new" album in the last few months.

Russ North???

Wasn't he with Hope and Glory? Good singer from what I remember, toured with Saxon in 1991/2?
I see Demon have just been announced as support for Diamond Head on thier latest tour.Oh dear i mentioned DH That should get princess's juices flowing:heh:
Trespass were a good NWOBHM band, but it didn't quite happen for them. They got together about five years ago I think it was, and did some gigs in Japan. But I don't think they have done anything since then.

Tank had an album out a few years ago.
I've just seen the news that the NWOBHM (Nostalgic Wave of British Heavy Metal) rolls on! Diamond Head supported by Demon at a venue 25 minutes walk from my home, Witchfinder General reform...

That started me thinking about bands that seem to have dropped off the face of the Earth, So I'd be really grateful if anyone has info about:

Cloven Hoof

If anyone else can think of Bands the Time Forgot, we might just be able to come up with a little new info...

Just a thought!


Warrior (UK)
My fave current NWOBHM'ers from back in the day are Jaguar. their 03 album album "Run Ragged" kicked ass. look forward to the next. and of course Power Games is essential.

I see my fav band of all time, the mighty Diamond Head are playing at The Robin in Bilston on 19th April along with the mighty Demon as well - any of youse live near Bilston and fancy putting me up for the night - I'll be good honest!!!!! I got a few good bootlegs of DH the other week, Diamond Head at Glasgow Penthouse in 1984 AND YES I WAS AT THAT GIG - its absolutely outstanding. Also Diamond Head at GlasgowAcademy 2 years ago, wasn't at that gig cos by time I realised DH were the s upport band, the gig had sold out. Also got a DH DVD of lots of different gigs from early 80s right up to the present day - MINDBLOWING IN ITS AWESOMENESS!!!!!!

Yeah I love every single nwobhm band, and luckily enough for me I saw practically all of them - Trespass One of these Days and Stormchild were my fav songs of theirs.

And for the Raven fans, here's some news. Raven are to play the Camden Underworld in London on March 4.

I was supposed to see Budgie on 29th Sep but they cancelled but apparently they're coming back to Glasgow in the spring AND BRINGING THE TYGERS OF PAN TANG WITH THEM - WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Thanks Klingonbear, thats very kind of you. I'll let you know nearer the time if I'm definitely going. With any luck, Diamond Head will come to Glasgow so that will save me a wee trip but if not, I might have to use your spare.

Have a superb time at UFO tonight - I;d love to see them again, but they don't seem to be playing anywhere in Schotland. Whats that all about!!!!