What's a better stagename?

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Trent Trixx
Trixxi Trash

I'm finding it hard to decide. For a sleaze/glam band I much prefer Trixxi Trash but the thing is I also really wanna do melodic rock/AOR stuff on the side and in the faint hope that I actually get somewhere one day, I would like to use the same name for everything I do and I don't think Trixxi Trash is the kinda name you find in an AOR band hahahaha! However I do much prefer it for being in an over the top sleaze band because it just screams with attitude and the name itself already comes with cool imagery attached to it.

So what do you guys vote that I do...

a) Use Trixxi Trash as my glam name but Trent Trixx as my name if I do other stuff, or...
b) Use Trent Trixx for both


(And yes, I do realise this is possibly THE stupidest thread in the history of Maiden Downunder, and yes I am serious about it HAHAHA!)
How about Trashi Trixx. Then when I wanna convert to my non-glam stagename Trent Trixx its smoother coz the last name is the same hahaha!
No that's boring. I need something that screams ROCK & ROLL.


I figure, if Tim can get away with putting Lord before his name & Steve Summers can get away with using "Sex" as his middle name, I can get away with calling myself something that sounds like a heroin shooting prostitute from St Kilda.
The Trooper said:
How about Trashi Trixx. Then when I wanna convert to my non-glam stagename Trent Trixx its smoother coz the last name is the same hahaha!
I was going to suggest having two names that can easily been identified as the same person, I like that idea the best.
The Trooper said:
a) Use Trixxi Trash as my glam name but Trent Trixx as my name if I do other stuff, or...
b) Use Trent Trixx for both
Out of those two options, I vote a).
Trent "Trashy" Trixx sounds a bit gay. It's like a dodgy version of Steve "Sex" Summers hahaha.

I think Blitzy's suggestion has been the best so far. I like the way he thinks :headbang: