What's everyone do to stay in shape

Bugger all. I'm riding a bicycle to work temporarily, while I wait to get my drivers licence renewed. Have considered starting some lifting weights, though. I hate working out really, but it'd be comfortable to be a bit stronger.
I do push ups and a walk around the town at nights.
I eat a lot to stay in round shape

well to stay skinny I try not to drink a lot of beer and eat a lot while sitting on my ass all day,but I do a lot of walking
Metal Maiden said:
Then you're not doing it right. :D

Seriously though, I am mentally and physically exhausted after about 30 minutes of foreplay and sex. I think that constitutes as a work out session.
Since I spend my summer out in the woods :loco: the only option of working out is being out jogging and hiking. Otherwise I love to play floorball... and yeah.. I WATCH icehockey too :p And I guess it works since Im in pretty good shape...ehhhhhh
tara said:
Seriously though, I am mentally and physically exhausted after about 30 minutes of foreplay and sex. I think that constitutes as a work out session.

You know, any excercise regime (consisting of 'work out sessions' as you so eloquently put it), is useless unless you stick with it and do it on a regular basis............

You should be performing these excercises at least 3-4 times a week, just for starters. :Smug:

If you need any assistance to get into a regular pattern to improve your fitness, please feel free to ask me for assistance, as I'd be more than happy to oblige. :Smug:

Or are you already getting enough 'excercise' (or access to additional workout sessions) as it is? :rolleyes:
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When im in winter season im in the gym pumping iron 3 times a week and a session on the track once a week doing 100m sprints. At the moment im doing some football training to get into a reasonable level of fitness. I throw the shot.
I've gone outside like twice this summer and, just regularly tried to be out of shape, yet, my metabolism has caused me to lose wait. I went from 120 at the beginning to 115 now.