What's everyone do to stay in shape?

I eat what I want to too, but I'm a vegetarian and it seems as time has gone on I've just gotten sick of artificial additives and too much sugar, so I'm naturally just eating healthy and don't have to try hard at it :D

I used to work out in a gym all the time when I was last in college about a year and a half ago, but I havent gotten back into the habit of going to a gym since... :cry:

I do a lot of biking here and there, and play tennis every chance I get, though I just don't have many friends big into tennis, so its not as often as I would like.
Just DRINK as much as you can. You'll get finnish fashion beer-belly! Be proud of that and show it to your friends, now that's something to be proud of, eh? :D

Don't care about this post. It was written after some beers.. :D
I'm set. My weights bench is set up next to my computer and guitar setup... So i can shred, listen to music, pump some iron and play solitare, all at the same time :D

I work out lots, i've got a bad knee, so i don't doo too much walking these days, i only do the top half.
I'm in shape...round is a shape. :D Actually, I've got very good metabolism to begin with, so I really don't need to work out. I just try to watch what I eat. I also eat what I want, but in moderation. But with school starting up soon, I'll be walking more...so that's my exercise.
I am in really good shape despite my not doing much in the past year. I used to work out with weights and started running a bit, but then I stopped. I ran on a treadmill the other night for almost an hour, and it felt great. I'll definitely start again soon.

I basically eat what I want in moderation but avoid fast food. I walk up and down 3 flights of stairs everyday sometimes multiple times. I usually stay constantly moving.

I can't wait for school to start as I'll have to do lots of walking around campus. I also plan to take up snowboarding, which will keep me busy.