What's everyone think of Devin Townsend Band opening the US tour ?


Aug 25, 2003
Hey Everyone,
I'm a Devin Townsend Band fan and S-X fan. I was just curious of what all you thought of DTB opening for S-X. I personally think it's a weird bill, but I love both bands and am looking forward to seeing it in New York.........opinion's......?
Yeah.....I thought it was weird DTB was'nt headlining this S-X tour too. I saw DTB recently with SYL and there was an equal, if not bigger response for DTB than SYL !!!! None the less it's going to be an awesome tour ! I think the 2 bands will compliment each other in the way that their musical styles are'nt similar at all.
I can't wait. I'm as much a Devin fan as a Symphony X fan, he is amazing. Personally, while I never would have predicted this combination of bands, it's going to be so much better than Seven Witches, god they were boring. Does anyone know if there are more than 2 bands playing?
This is an infinitely better opening act than Seven Witches!

I was quite suprised to hear DTB was opening for SymX... because I thought perhaps DTB might be bigger... I know SYL is quite popular and is always touring... plus DTB is a totally different type of music than SymX... but I love both DTB and SymX... and they're labelmates... so I'm quite pleased!
I'm just as excited about the prospect of seeing Devy's band on this tour as SX. Sure, their may not be too much overlap between their fanbases and their music may not be the most obvious match, but I think it will make for a great night of music. I highly recommend that you acquiant yourself with Devin's albums before the tour...
Devin Townsend Band has a unique style. Its impossible to classify though. Its also nothing like Symphony X. Alot of his music is very atmospheric. To understand the sound you have to listen for yourself.
TheEdgeOfThorns said:
Devin Townsend Band has a unique style. Its impossible to classify though. Its also nothing like Symphony X. Alot of his music is very atmospheric. To understand the sound you have to listen for yourself.

What do the vocals sound like? Are there lots of solos?

Also, what's some songs of his you can recommend?
I reccomend you check out the following Devin Townsend songs.

Deep Peace
Things Beyond Things

The band is atmospheric/melodic/mellow metal. They aren't speed or thrash by any means, but great stuff anyways. There are some solos, but focus is more on songwriting than guitar masturbation;p However, for one of the best solos ever, I reccomend you check out the solo to Deep Peace, it's great.
Devin albums tend to be very direct emotionally and he prefers heavily detailed and expansive productions for his solo projects (especially evident on Terria). His vocals range from a confessional tone to violent screams, and he usually plays most of the instruments on the solo albums (Physicist and AE excepted.)
When I heard DTB was opening for SyX on this tour I went to the Inside Out website to hear some clips of DTB as I had no knowlede of them at all. I have to be honest and say I didn't care for the clips I heard, and I think I listened to them all (it's been a few months). I don't really care, as live music is always better than an album, especially when you're not familiar with the music, so I'm sure I'll like them too. I only caught the last song and a half of Seven Witches when I saw SyX the last time, and they sounded ok. Had I known Joey Vera was the bass player (didn't recognize the mohawk) I probably would have gotten there ealry to see the entire set. Oh well.
Devin is a god. In addition, he is - and I don't use this word lightly, as I only use it to describe one other modern musician (that being Roger Waters) - a musical genius. I can't wait for Jaxx on Nov. 21st...
Devin is playing songs from every album except Physicist on this tour. So its really good way to sample and pick out the best records. Ocean Machine & Accelerated Evo seem to be the most accessible. Just straight ahead melodic hard rock.

Infinity & Terria are much more experimental and probably wouldn't hold up too well with newer fans.