whats happening

I just washed and clipped one of my dogs, and then I did the dishes. I had Fellowship of the Ring on while I was doing that, so I was kinda watching that as well. Now I'm thinking about going to be and reading.
well.. I'm chillaxing, watching the wedding singer and posting on my board (and this one, now).

Also enjoying the luxury of my new / repaired computer after being stuck on my old P200 for the past couple of weeks.

I should continue tidying my sty too ;)
What are you talking about? If we didnt have people giving ratings how would we know that St. Anger was a return to the Metallica of old and pure aggression!

Besides, Emperor became untr00 when they recorded ther first demo, before that they were real black metal you know!

BTW, what does your signature thingy say?
Goreripper said:
It says "Astriaal". They are a black metal band from Brisbane.

Ill have to take your word for it Gorey :)

Draven: I was joking about the ratings bit ;)
'I Am The Black Wizards' by Emperor has one of the coolest riffs i have ever heard :headbang: