What's the best guitar pick for DM?


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I know they have to be a pretty heavy pick... but what is some of your personal faves?

and whilst we're at it. Some tips on how to do the fast trem picking part would be great as well!

i use 2.0 gator grip picks. but now i don't like them because i changed my picking style. thinking about Jazz III's like everyone else.
Ive been through just about every pick except the more expensive stone/carbon/metal ones. After years of playing, I settled on medium celluloid's (fenders/sam ash's/planet waves whatever) because of the smooth sound yielded at high gains and fast speeds without that "chic chic" sound you may get with dunlop tortex and some other materials. I notice the sound is more consistent and somewhat more forgiving based on hand positioning, so you can skip strings very fast without messing with you're wrist position. They wear out quick but whatever.

Find a gauge of any celluloid pick that lets you play comfortably and give them a shot. I go for mediums because they have the rigidity I like for quick and accurate alternate picking, but are flexible enough to tremolo pick with no effort.
V-picks. I'm using the small pointed, but almost any of the pointed ones including the screamer, shredder are great. I'm a converted ex-Jazz III user of 8 years that decided to try the v-picks out and I've never been happier. Pick attack is great, the bevel design on the pointed edge helps with pinch harmonics on extremely high strings and for sweep picking. They never slip out of my grip as well with their design.

Abit expensive though, but well worth it.
I really like the flat, heavy, unbranded picks. I know a lot of metal guitarists who use the dunlop stubbies, but I cant be doing with them myself, theyre too easy to drop.
Awesome! Thanks for the replies!

I grabbed 3 new ones to try the other day. they were the dunlop big stubbie, the wedge and one of the black jazz 3 XL... So I will give those a crack and see if I like them.

I have tried the small jazz 3 ones before but the holding area was too small so hopefully these work out alright.

Anyone know what Terrence Hobbs or Pat O'Brien uses pick wise?
jazz III for me, at this stage i can't see myself needing to try anything else.
I like the Tortex 1.0 it's solid enough and easier on tremolo picking, and if you drop it you can just play with your index finger (although palm muted triplets will sound a little muddy)
I can never remember exactly which thickness they are, but I use the bright green Dunlop Tortex picks for six-string guitars (9s) and the charcoal gray Gator Grips for seven-string. I'll use Fender Heavy picks if I don't have Dunlops handy, but they get a little slippery for my tastes.
I don't like how most picks have a slight damper on string resonance so I was using metal picks for a while there. I use Dunlop Ultex picks now, they're very hard and hardly have an effect on your tone. They also don't eat strings like metal picks do.
I use the nylon "XL Series" Jazz IIIs. I only wish they came in carbon fiber like the standard sized Jazz IIIs.