Whats the biggest order youve placed at The End Records?


Lost In Everything
Jun 10, 2002
Threshold of Hell
Visit site
I want to order an ass load of CDs, but Ive never ordered such a huge amount and feel weary about sending alot of Money. Its nothing against the End, Ive done alot of busniess with them and have bought around 50 CDs from them and like their service. Im just weary cause its a huge order and I wanted to know if people have had any porblems making a big purchase or any errors and stuff like that.

Any thoughts would be great.

Oh and my biggest order was 3 CDs. Everything went smooth, but this order is significantly larger.
They have AWESOME service! I ordered a cd from them and it came open and appeared to be used...I e-mailed Tomer and told him what happened and I had another copy of the cd two days later...unopened and in perfect condition! I highly recommend them!
I've never actually ordered from them :err:

I've heard on numerous occasions (see above for more :D) that they're amazing though.
They're mostly great, I ordered cds totalling a $450+ price and everything was fine. Though in my last order, they sent another cd instead of the one I wanted. Albeit rarely, things like that might happen now and then. Not much to worry about if you ask me.