What's the documentary on the DVD like?


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
Visit site
I haven't read any comment on this, but am more than a little curious to know. Good interviews? footage? etc.?

Do tell somebody...Us U.S. residents will be in the dark for awhile yet (though some say we've always been in the dark...)
It's a nice documentary. The band members speaking of past and present, even a little bit of the future. Some cool recording footage. A little bit of BesserWeiset talk from Steven Wilson. All in all a pretty nice documentary.
Yeah, it has a big focuse on the how they did damnation and deliverance, ie how mikael made the songs, a little bit on when they recorded the instruments, vocals solos, effects... hahahaha (tropical heat)
Someone might find the Opeth banner in your sig offensive. Who cares? Let the thing express itself. If you don't like it so much, turn sigs off or don't look at it. It's not as if your eyes are glued to it.
I find the documentary kind of cool. Yes, Méndez is quite cute when talking English, and so is López when he talks about the microphone story. I think there's a bit too much of Steven Wilson on it to be honest... They talk about the problems they had when recording both CDs (just like in the official web) and I hope the plans they have for the future are fulfilled... they talk about a concept black-metal album and they say they will have the material and lyrics much better prepared, leaving a bit of less room to improvisation.
I think it'll be good to see them record an album that isn't written, for the most part, in the studio in rushed conditions. I love all their albums but I'd like to see how different it would be if they spent more time writing them.
The documentary is great. It's the first time I've seen Mendez and Lopez being interviewed (heavy on spanish-english :-) ). And Mendez was wearing a Katatonia longsleeve I've never seen before. Cool. He also talked about being into a lot of music, including jazz! Lopez seemed to be inspired by various types of music, as well.

I found the studio sessions with Mr. Wilson and Mikael quite interesting too.