What's the first Iron Maiden album you ever bought?


May 31, 2005
It's 1989. I'm only 12 years old, hanging at a friend's house playing Super Mario Brother Brothers, drinking Diet Rite cause it was the only freak'in soda left in the damn fridge, when Nick's older brother Chris puts on Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. We'd been jamming Master of Puppets, and Nick was pissed cause he was big into Metallica and Megadeth at the time and listenned to it nonstop. At the time, I didn't think it was all that, but it grew on me and by the third time I'd heard it, I thought it was good sh*t. So I went to KMart ( which for any peeps born after 1985 ) was like Walmart back then, they multiplied like roaches, looking to buy Seventh Son. They only had it on CD, and I didn't have a CD player of my own, just a cassette boom box and a Walkman. So, I ended up buying Peace of Mind, cause it was older and cost less then the one "With the really cool cover art", that being Somewhere in Time. e On the car ride back, I popped that tape into my walkman ( my offbrand walkman, the Sony f*ckers were expensive!) and hit play. From the first drums of Where Eagles Dare I was hooked, and instantly became a Maiden fan for life. Over the next few years, I played the hell out that tape, which finally snapped when I was 15. No worry, I had it on CD by then, along with every other (U.S.) Maiden release, including the First Ten Years box set. Peace of Mind is still my favourite Maiden album to this day, and in my opinion, has their finest moment, "THE TROOPER". Even the one obligitory crappy song, Quest for Fire, doesn't get on my nerves too much, and with the advent of the CD, I skip it anyway, lol. What was your first Maiden album? I'm curious to find out. :headbang:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
My brother already had all the Maiden ablums so I didn't have to buy any for ages! When I finally did, it was Killers which I bought in Germany on CD.

Same here!! It was a bugger when he moved out and I had to buy copies of all the albums myself!!! So I think the first one I actually bought on my own was Brave New World!!
My first Maiden 'album' was purchased on 8-track. I read an article about them in Hit Parader or something. Back in '80-'81 I went to the local music store and bought their first release on 8-trk and fell in love with them....have all their tunes and lots still on vinyl....:headbang:
GoMaiden said:
My first Maiden 'album' was purchased on 8-track. I read an article about them in Hit Parader or something. Back in '80-'81 I went to the local music store and bought their first release on 8-trk and fell in love with them....have all their tunes and lots still on vinyl....:headbang:

That's very cool!! A fan from waaaaaay back in the day!! :headbang: I wasn't even born when the first 4 albums came out!!! :loco:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
My brother already had all the Maiden ablums so I didn't have to buy any for ages! When I finally did, it was Killers which I bought in Germany on CD.

I lived in Wiesbaden circa 1990-1991, 7th/8th grade.
Mine was NOTB in 81 or 82. I had seen the Run to the hills video on MTV and had to get it.

I burned up 5 or more copies of Piece of Mind before it came out on CD. You young-uns don't know the pain of tapes losing their high end after repeated plays, demagnatizing heads, cleaning the drives, getting your tape eaten, all that hassle.

CD's were a god send!

My friends had copies when I first heard them, my first purchases were:

'Edward The Greatest Hits', then
'Greatest Hits', then
'Live in RIO', then
'Life After Death' then
'Brave New World'.
i remember buying the SOMEWHERE IN TIME vinyl the day it came out (6/23/86), but i know i owned the LIVE AFTER DEATH vinyl before that. i probably had cassettes OF NUMBER OF THE BEAST, PIECE OF MIND, & POWERSLAVE even before that. so it's kinda hard to say. i was around 11 year old when i started listening to maiden.
I have no idea which album of theirs I bought first. But, the first time I saw them was on the NOTB tour. Bruce's debut and Clive's last tour. Iron Maiden was the opening band! A friend of mine saw them on the previous tour when Paul was singing.
Live After Death double vinyl the day it came out in 1985.

Probably among the first few records I ever purchased... I was a freshman in college and remember the day well... so excited to go to the record store to buy it between classes that afternoon... but unfortunately didn't get to listen to it right away :yell: cuz that afternoon we had a class "field trip" to see a taping of some lame tv show in Hollywood... lol.
I couldn't even tell you what tv show it was or anything about it now... I just remember the anticipation to get back home again later that night so I could spin my new record(s)! :headbang: I always bought vinyl in those days so I could get the big full album packaging, then would tape my records onto cassette.

The record store where I bought LAD is gone now, but it was a sweet store while it was there... wish I had some money back then to spend on records... they had an import metal section that had many one-of-a-kind items (or so I thought)... all kinds of scary stuff in that section... I remember seeing albums like Celtic Frost, Venom, and Slayer which scared the heck out of me at the time... I wasn't into that kind of metal (still not)... also some deep regrets... remember seeing Metallica 'Creeping Death' and Jump In the Fire' EPs that I wish I had bought... and now I am totally bummed cuz I also remember seeing an album called 'Live Like a Suicide' by some band I hadn't heard of at the time... Guns N Roses... who knew?:tickled:
My first Iron Maiden purchase was in 1987, when I was in third grade. I went to Target with my brother and found Killers on tape and bought it. He picked up Powerslave. We just were so enthralled with the artwork!

I got home and listened to Powerslave and was blown away! I listened to Killers next, but after Powerslave, I was deeply disappointed. I wasn't quite ready for Di'Anno era Maiden, so I traded it to one of my brother's friends for Twisted Sister's "Stay Hungry." D'oh! I still love TS, but they just don't compare to Maiden.

About ten years later, after I already owned everything the band put out on cd, I came across Killers on 8-track and bought it for a couple of bucks. My dad had a car 8-track player sitting in the garage, so I installed it in my car just so I could listen to that tape. Well, not just that tape. I raided my step-mom's '70s and early '80s collection of Motown and disco 8-tracks too. :D

Last thing: my first Maiden cd purchase was in 1994. I picked up FOTD used at The Wherehouse the day my grandfather died. I needed some cheering up. It's a poor cd by Maiden standards, but it's still one of my favorites.