whats the heaviest amp out there?


Mar 24, 2004
whats the heaviest amp out there?
and i don't mean weight-wise, i down-tune my guitar to B and I
was looking for an amp that would accompany the really low heavy-bassy
sound really well while being extremely loud and un-muddy.
I hear the Krank amps have some of the most ball-busting, chest-caving sounds out there.

Also - If you drop tune and want some serious low-end, consider buying an external sub cabinet - Rivera makes some pretty sick ones. The guitarist I used to record and jam with played through a Marshall jcm900 on a half-stack with a 100w external Rivera sub (2x15) and I swear the low end will completely cave in your chest - and that's playing in E.

Hope that helps...
It's actually considered a sub-woofer. The cool thing is that you can run the Rivera out of the effects loop of the head - and only the low signals get sent to the Rivera cab - so essentially - you have the Marshall head and cab pushing all the mids and highs, and the Rivera handles just the lows. You can adjust each independantly and believe me, the sound is just fucking killer.

Myself and several people I know have had great experience with Peavey 5150 II stack for intense, on-stage performances. Very clean tube distortion, a pleasure to work with.

If I had to buy one now though, I may look into something a bit newer. How are the digital distortions looking these days, anyway?
dunno which is the heaviest, but ENGL Powerball is pretty damn heavy (the Savage SE should be able to get really heavy sounds, too)

that thing about the sub-cab sounds interesting..... :)
USMC0341: probably this is what you mean (sorry, the page is in german):
its a 500W-active-subwoover I guess this could REALLY provide some serious low-end

then tey also have this: http://www.netzmarkt.de/thomann/artikel-176475.html pretty much the same thing as a 4*12 with the lower speakers being the active subwoover-part.

theyre pretty damn expensive though...

damn, I'm shure my bassist would really crucify me if I started using one of these :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
livingtodie said:
whats the heaviest amp out there?
and i don't mean weight-wise, i down-tune my guitar to B and I
was looking for an amp that would accompany the really low heavy-bassy
sound really well while being extremely loud and un-muddy.

If you want to be "un-muddy" the lowest you should tune your guitar to is D flat. Besides that the heaviest Amp that all other Amps must bow to are Randall, especially the WarHead.
Hexer said:
USMC0341: probably this is what you mean (sorry, the page is in german):
its a 500W-active-subwoover I guess this could REALLY provide some serious low-end

then tey also have this: http://www.netzmarkt.de/thomann/artikel-176475.html pretty much the same thing as a 4*12 with the lower speakers being the active subwoover-part.

theyre pretty damn expensive though...

damn, I'm shure my bassist would really crucify me if I started using one of these :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

That's the ticket Hexer - Rivera has a bunch of different ones now. You can take people's heads off with the bottom that comes out of those things, and I LOVE the fact that your signal is completely split between the normal cab and the sub cab...pretty cool stuff. I can't even imagine what that 500w sub does - that's the same wattage as a nice bass-head...MASSIVE low-end coming out of that puppy.

if i ever own a real lot of money and want to get rid of my bassist, I'll buy one of those :) (when I got my Powerball he nearly went mad until I agreed to turn the bass and depth-punch down a bit ;) )
Trevor Lane said:
If you want to be "un-muddy" the lowest you should tune your guitar to is D flat. Besides that the heaviest Amp that all other Amps must bow to are Randall, especially the WarHead.
That isn't really true. Plenty of bands get a really crisp guitar sound while tuning really low, I definately wouldn't call the guitar sound on Colony by In Flames muddy.
thanks for all the replies.
that Rivera- Loslobottom amp looks very interesting.
thanks for the tip. I've been hearing a lot about Diezel amps,
but i hear they're really expensive though. Are they worth it?
I would say that the heaviest amp on the market is the Crate Blue Voodoo. That warm crunchy tube sound just makes you wanna splooge in your pants! No offense to Marshall or Mesa, but I think they're a bit over-rated. Nowhere near as heavy as a Crate Blue Voodoo. Get one before they go out of stock!
:OMG: Xeno posted...

Yeah diezel is pretty fucking harsh, the XXX is pretty good too. JCM-800 w9th SD-1 or MXR Zakk is always heavy and good. savage.....mmmmm..... i want that new Savage Preamp that just came out.
Marshall JCM 800 + mxr zaak = loud metal

I use a zw 2203 (ltd edition zaak wylde jcm800 with 6550 power amp tubes)

settings 10 bass 0 middle 4 treble 4 presence

almost too much with a tuned down lesPaul, jackson Randy Rhoads gives more midrange ...but really I'm into 80's power metal and don't tune down more than a step.

I learnt by accident that a marshall 4x12 bass cab sounds really meaty when tuned down.
I'd love to get an Engl Fireball or Savage, but I can't justify spending that kind of money on a head right now when I've already got a Mark IV, a Blue Voodoo, and a Peavey Supreme XL (I alway take a solid state backup). Maybe I'll have the opportuninty to sell some of the other stuff and get an Engl in the future.