whats the most influential type of metal

Décadent said:
Black Sabbath and Pentagram you fucking clown.


I agree doom and classic heavy metal or NWOBHM were clearly the most influencial on the rest of the genre.
Thraxz said:
Um, no. Pantera buddy... panfuckingshitera ruined everything.

Actually, if you want to get anal retentive, then you should really say Exhorder.
But the correct answer is Biohazard, as they created nu-metal and metalcore. If you don't believe me, listen to Korn or Hatebreed and tell me you don't hear at least a little Biohazard.
BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil said:
Your name is fucking 'MetalNoob'.
Why're you on here. ;/

I'll mail you a Slipknot album so you can go mosh around.

and your name is BlackSeedsOnVirginSoil, need i say anymore?