What's the most tasteless joke you know?


OneMetal.com Music Editor
In an effort to force Mark into having to put a disclaimer into this forum as well as The Hate Pit, I am starting this thread to offend all right-minded, normal people. What is the sickest, most appalingly tasteless joke you know? To start off with, here's one of my current favourites...

What part of a vegetable don't you eat?
The wheelchair.

I thank you...
An American, a Jamaican and a Canadian are standing on top of the world's largest building. The American turns to the Jamaican and says, "You know, I bet you could jump from the top of this building and land on your feet without killing yourself."

"No way," says the Jamaican. "Anyone who jumps from up here, would be dead by the time they get to the bottom."

"No, no, your wrong. I've seen it before. You'd land on your feet."

"If your so sure, why don't you jump?" asks the Jamaican.

"Ok," says the American. So he jumps off of the ledge and instead of landing flat on his face on the concrete below, he lands on his feet. Just like he said. The American then goes back to the top of the building and tells the Jamaican, "See I told you I'd land on my feet."

"Ok," says the Jamaican. And with that he jumps off of the ledge and ends up splattered all over the sidewalk below.

The Canadian then turns to the American and says, "You know, you can be a real asshole sometimes Superman."
Temel (biggest Turkish anectode hero) has been a doctor.
One sick lady come to his clinic and told him her problem.

Doctor I defecate what I eat.
I eat orange and I defecate orange.
I eat meat and I defecate meat.
Doctor please tell me what shall I do?

Temel replies like this:

Aaaa,then you just eat shit.
THE most tasteless joke... hmm... I guess you'd have to be australian to understand. (BTW, i think it's sick, so don't abuse me).

Have you heard about that Aboriginal terrorist gang??

They've found Bin Laden and Bin-Drinkin', but they can't find Bin-Workin'.

*shakes head*

(if you don't get it, you're probably not from australia, so deal with it)
where's the best place to park your car??

On a slope

if you don't know , slope means an asian.

What do you do when you've finished raping the deaf and dumb chick?
Break her fingers so she can't tell anyone.

Whats better then having sex with a 16 year old?
two 8 years olds

Why do black people always think about sex?
cos their pubic hair is on their head

How do you starve a black person?
hide their food stamps under their work boots.

why did the chicken cross the playground? to get the other slide

who's the funniest person ever?Koichi
One day Temel was caught and prisoned by criminals.
Zorro have heard this news and went to those crimanls camp.
He had killed all of the criminals one by one and put his Z sign on their body with his sword.
Then he rescued Temel.
Temel saw this Z sign and thanked Zorro like this.

Thanks Zuperman
A poor old man gets 2$ and decides to go to the hookers to get laid. He enters a very exclusive whorehouse and sits next to a really hot perfect 18-year old. He asks what he can get for 2$, offcourse she send him away.
He enters a second, not as exclusive whorehouse and asks the same to a -still pretty hot- 30 year old women. He gets rejected again.
Now he enters an ordinary whorehouse, and tries again with a 50 year old. Still, 2$ is not enough, but she knows where he can get some and sends him to the upper flore of that building, a stuffy dark attic. On a bed lies a 200-kg and 100 year old lady with hanging breast, totally unsexy. He asks what he can get for 2$, she says he can do some cunnilingus for that. Because the man is really getting desperate, it's a deal. He starts licking her cunt, but while doing that he sees little worms coming out her vagina! He informs the whore and she replies: "What did you expect for 2$, shrimps???"

This really is one of the best I heard these last times, but I don't know if my translation is really good...
Osame Bin Ladin phones Bush and tells him that he has one good news and one bad news.
Bush asks him what those news were.
OBL replies like this:

The good news is that I'm accepting to retreat.
The bad news is that I'm coming by plane.
A Belgian guy visits Istanbul.
His Turkish friend picks him up at the airport.
While they're driving across the bridge of Bosphorus, the Turkish guy says:
"You have your passport ready? They will not let you enter Asia without an ID and some money!"
The Belgian guy turns white, then yellow, then green, and then says in extreme agony:
"Shit! I've left it in the trunk!"