What's the scariest horror movie you've ever seen?


Charles + Buddy = Lovers with super powers who did sitcoms.
i think miracle mile might qualify as a horror film, and if so, it's pretty tense. any nuclear holocaust film, really.

the original night of the living dead, or well done zombie films. tombs of the blind dead. anything that preys on claustrophobia, the world turning against you, or combinations thereof...
Originally posted by FalseTodd
I just saw a Japanese horror movie called "THe Ring". It was pretty good, not incredibly scary, but the ending is kind of fucked. They're doing an american version now, I bet the ending will be different.

wow, i just saw a preview of that last night at "one hour photo" which was also really good. the ring looked awesome.
Night of the Living Dead ruled. I especially appreciated its message of racial equality, which was enhanced in the remake as the black guy actually becomes a zombie and we come away with the knowledge that, black or white, all we really want are brains.

Xfer I just hate the bold guy!


And how could i forget the stupidest scene ever made for a movie.

"Hey we need gas but we lost the key"
"Don't worry... let's unlock the gas pump with a shotgun shot!!!"

favorite quote:
Reporter: "Tell me, Chief, are these creatures slow-moving?"
Police Chief: "Yeah, they're dead, they're all messed up."