What's the story behind your UM pseudonym?

Papa Josh said:
Oh.. as far as my name, I am a dad. Have been for almost two years now. Started out as sort of a street name for me with the last zine I was a part of, and has turned in to a name I'm known by in Houston.
Are you serious? I thought it was your pimp name, you fur coat wearing beeyatch. :tickled:
I would love to change my user name to ARES (my initials, and the kickass god of war of course), but someone already has that name. Man, ares hasn't posted since 9/26/2002, can't you delete his account and let me have it!?!? :grin:
now if we all go about changing our names time and time again, we will run out of names to change to and then we will have to start making up words like eukondier and bulff and that would be stupid and it would suck because we would all sound like some viking metal band that sold 4 cds in norway.
Yeah if everyone keeps changing their name and avatar, then how do we all keep up?

I guess under your new pseudonym, you can have "...the artist formerly known as XXX" or whatever. :)
JayKeeley said:
I think I know that geezer! We used to hang him on the wall and call him Art. :loco:

@ Erik - what is "Phyre" anyway?
Well, as I said, who knows. It's basically derived from "fyre" which might be an ancient spelling of "fire" or something of the sort. Why, not sure. It looks kind of cool. A Google search makes it apparent that I'm not the only one on the Internet who has chosen this moniker...
JayKeeley said:
I guess under your new pseudonym, you can have "...the artist formerly known as XXX" or whatever. :)
I'm going to have "once I was NAD, now I am not" if I change mine. :)
Back when i first joined um, i heard the song "swallow the spikes" by god dethroned...and thats about it :err: Dont know about the 77... edit - real name: Will
do I need a an explanation for mine? 6'7" .. you rang?

real name: Aurel

aka: oreo, oral, Ariel, Aurelio, horsekid