What's the story on this ESPN track?

You can play the podcast that the song is on. You can find it on the Show Archives. Its the 5/16/2008 show.

The show is an interview with JackO, the subject of the Theocracy song. JackO calls the song "the greatest thing to ever happen to me" and "its like audio viagra for me". They start talking about the song around 20 minute mark and the song is played around the 27:15 mark.

I should clarify I know nothing about JackO or much about baseball for that matter.
Haha, glad you guys are getting a kick out of it...

Yeah, just something to generate a little more traffic to the site around this new album, similar to what I did with the St. Anger parody last time around. Harmon says that between lunch and dinnertime Friday, we matched the previous month's total for site traffic...pretty amazing. Simmons should be linking to it off ESPN sometime this week, which should get even more people to the site. :)
Matt, at this rate, you're going to have to release a CD of all the crazy joke songs and rockin' Christmas songs pretty soon! :kickass:

If you do that, you need to call it Skeletor Goes To Mars and use that fake artwork. That is still the best one so far...:worship:

And this is great news for spreading the Theocracy name and message!

Theocracy: taking over the world media one station at a time... First ESPN, next CNN, then the entire Internet, then the world...
Haha, hilarious! I don't listen to that show (or even follow sports), but it was great to hear them talk about how awesome your song was. I guess you sound like Rush or something from the 70's. :)
Awesome! "Audio viagra." Wow. Haha good news that it's generating traffic for the site; and they're right, it's amazing how all the "joke" and Christmas songs you record are actually legitimately awesome songs.
Yep, you did it again. Another song stuck in my head... And I really have no idea what it is about. :heh: But then again, with this kind of music that's not needed for it to get stuck.
... Matt, as a lifetime Red Sox/all Boston sports fan, I'm biting my tongue. Hard.


It's a good think those Mirror of Souls samples are so awesome. :lol:

(Seriously, I hope you get a good plug!!)

EDIT: I believe, however, that I may now rest easy with the 2004 ALCS immortalized in Matt Smith's beautiful voice. HAH!
It's quite a good sign when songs that a band does "just for fun" almost sounds as good as their top-notch album material. I'm with TengwarSymphony's above comment; a separate album of the fun and crazy stuff would definitely be a worthy addition to the Theocracy catalog, IMHO.

And I'm not a Yankees fan by far (go White Sox and Cubbies! :lol:), but I downloaded the track after first listen; it's that good!

(EDIT) I've done searches on John O'Connell and I still don't have much of a clue of his significance. What is the story, indeed.
No real significance; John (aka JackO) is just one of Simmons' college buddies that he calls every week on the podcast. Since Simmons is a Red Sox fan and JackO is a Yankees fan, they give each other a hard time; just a couple of old buddies ragging on each other. We thought it would be funny to give JackO a theme song. :)