What's the deal with Demon of the Fall?

It's one of those songs that just seeps into a bands list of songs and receives the title "classic". And that is exactly what it is, you can't deny it, it is just a classic, and this thread would not exist if this were not true.
Like the Deliverance material, its alot more straightforward and just plain heavy so it's received alot better live, and with much more headbanging. I think that's its strength... the reception it gets from crowds. As a song its alright, but yes, there are better. I still think the intro and last few riffs are damned good though.
imho I think Demon of the Fall features Mikael's best growl ever recorded so far. Its so deep and evil. That whole album is dark as hell, I love MAYH
Its not one of my favorite because I just love em all, like the most of you. It showcases Opeth's instrumental as well as vocal brutality and range so very well. April Ethereal would be wayyyyyyyyyy better in the place of DotF live. No! April Ethereal and When. Then I die happy.
I would prefer 'April Ethereal' , 'When' and esp. 'Karma' instead of 'Demon...' in the setlist. All these mentioned songs are far better then 'Demon...' imho. Especially 'Karma' must be a live-Killer!
Demon of the Fall is just so atmospheric and dark and beautiful and evil sounding, IT MUST BE PLAYED LIVE FOREVER. April Ethereal and When are probably better songs though, yes, but they should replace something else, not Demon.
I wouldn't mind a gig with the whole of MAYH and SL in a row, you know... But to the subject, I do not like Demon as much as other Opeth songs or even MAYH songs. When is way better and so is April Ethereal. Demon of the Fall has got a nice title and it's placed at the climax of the whole story. That's why.