What's the word for this?


I haven't read through the whole list yet, and obviously it doesn't include all of them, but it might be there.
I didn't read through these, but I ran searches for relevant words and nothing turned up :(
It's in here, although most of this only applies to anime.
Haha, these were hilarious. I couldn't find the term in there though. The closest one was #16: Law of Inverse Accuracy - Second Corollary.
Whenever a "Good Guy" is faced with insurmountable odds, the "Bad Guys" line up in neat rows, allowing the hero to take them all out with a single burst of automatic fire and then escape.
Also, somebody from another forum posted this. It's the same thing, but a different name.
The Doctor said:
Bullpit maybe? I was watching a show called Fight Quest last night in which two fighters were training in some type of fighting style, don't remember the name, and this was one of the exercises that they used to train, although after a while more than one opponent would jump in. This probably isn't right, but whatever.

thats a great show