What's the word for this?


Manly Man!
Apr 15, 2007
Cooperstown and Oswego, NY
2008 Original Post: I'm trying to remember the name of a "law" that applies to fight scenes in movies in which the hero / heroine is outnumbered. It states that when the hero is facing multiple opponents at one time, they will attack individually, rather than as a group, allowing him / her to fend them off one at a time.

2014 Edit: The phrase that I was looking for was "mook chivalry." It can also be called the one-at-a-time attack rule, but mook chivalry was the specific phrase I was inquiring about. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MookChivalry
I'm trying to remember the name of a "law" that applies to fight scenes in movies in which the hero / heroine is outnumbered. It states that when the hero is facing multiple opponents at one time, they will attack individually, rather than as a group, allowing him / her to fend them off one at a time.

Bullpit maybe? I was watching a show called Fight Quest last night in which two fighters were training in some type of fighting style, don't remember the name, and this was one of the exercises that they used to train, although after a while more than one opponent would jump in. This probably isn't right, but whatever.