What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?


Nov 29, 2002
For me, it would be the car accident I had about four years ago. I didn't break any bones and the damage done to my car was far worse than what could have happened to me, but I had stiches on just about the entire right side of my face. I didn't leave the house for about 2 months after it happened.
Share you stories, friends.
Worst... Hmm... Maybe that's one of the times I've get beaten badly, but "that what doesn't kill, strengthen".:) Or it has something to do with women.( :cry: ) Lots of shit has happened but not anything so bad that I wouldn't get over it. (Drinking helps always;).)
tara said:
I don't blame you.
Maybe this thread wasn't such a good idea...
nah it's ok
I just made a promise to myself not to talk about it until it's time
I have told this like to 4 people online
@Lolita, I dont know what to say except that I´m deeply sorry to hear that :cry:

well..the only thing I can come up with is I feel I spent 10 fucking years of my life on the wrong thing, but I have found my thing in life and it´s not to late...
Ante, thank you...

Still, it is ancient history but affects me somewhere in the bottom of my soul. I haven't talked about it to too many people, maybe this is a place that I could make some sort of confession.
@Lolita...I dont know what to say either, I guess you as of now is the one that has had the worst experience here...and I cant say much more than Ante and Hearse said before me...

The worst thing thats happened to me...lets se...
Hmm there was this one time I was biking down a steep hill on my way to a record store, at the bottom of the hill there was a road...
Allthough I was'nt aware of that...
When I got a bit closer I saw it, and started to brake like a madman...but it was way to late, and a car pulled up in the road infront of me...
The woman in the car just sat there looking frightened at me as I hit her car and was sent flying over her hood :erk:

It hurt like hell, and I smashed up most of her car...
Very sorry to hear about that Lolita. Rape is amongst the worst of anything that can happen to anyone. It takes a very strong soul to carry on after it, so power to you.

Me...umm. I think i've been quite a sheltered wee boy, so the worst I can think of is when my parents separated and my padre moved to america after my mum cheated on him. Twas hard on all of us; my sister had just dropped out of school pregnant and I was going through a severe obsession with self-mutilation (silly me). Apart from those couple of months, i've been blissfully lucky and had no tragedies. No doubt they'll come one day though. =)
Lolita - like those before me I don't really know what to say, but I am truly sorry to hear that. :cry:
Lolita I am sorry
actually I thought people were gonna post here stuff like: when I broke my toe,or when I slammed the door on my hand. but it seems that we all have some serious stuff in our past