What's up w/ the pentagrams???


Is it just me, or do they seem contrived? Anthrax have never used pentagrams before. Slayer have. Pantera have. Are Anthrax trying to looker "scarier" Don't take this as a criticism, I think the shirts look cool, but I think people will look at this and say "oh so now they worship the devil" And I think in the end Anthrax lose credibility. Where were the pentagrams on Stomp or Among???? That's right, they weren't there. Also, having 5 guys with pentagrams on their shirts, and wanting to have a record sell well don't seem to mix. Having a radio friendly tune like "Safe Home" and dudes w/ pentagrams singing it doesn't make any sense. Just my 2 cents.
could it be a link with scott being a jew???

could also be a backlash against bullshit organised religion

would that make any sense at all???

scott did jokingly say that most of the lyrics were bout religion

anyone else got an opinion..
i think it's just ironic. like, thrax are far from being satanists and i think the pentagrams are a kind of joke. plus it's a cool logo with the 'A' contained within it, dont you think?
being a satanist and worshipping the devil are two separate things!.. sure, the pentagram is used in both cases but read about satanism and you'll notice that is has nothing to do with burning churches and whatever they do!..

but this doesn't mean that i'm a satanist, i'm way to friendly for that! :)
I didn't associate the pentagram w/ devil worshipping, but dumb people will. But any rate, I just think it will be seen as a dumb thing to do (even though the "A" thing is kinda cool) The record buying public ranks pentagrams right up there w/ tattoo blue pot leaves and rebel flags = white trash emblems.
the thrax logo is not a pentagram- it is an 'inverted' pentagram. maybe they just inverted it in order to fit the A into the logo. notice the A would fit with a normal pentagram.
i still don't see the significance behind it them using it, though.

just got this info about pentagrams if anyone is interested:...

The right-side-up pentagram has been used by various Pagan religions for thousands of years. The inverted pentagram had been used by "old-school" medieval Satanists in their ceremonies that were simply the reverse of Christianity and a rebellion against it. Such pentagram was a magical symbol, as opposed to a religious symbol, like the inverted cross. During the 19th century, the magician Eliphas Levi, apparently, became the first person to "officially" distinguish the inverted pentagram as the symbol of "evil" (of medieval Satanism). The bottom point of the inverted pentagram pointed down, i.e. to "hell", or was a representation of winter (as opposed to that of a "regular" pentagram which represented "summer"). The inverted pentagram, often contains the image of the Baphomet, or the goat - the horned "god". Much later, Anton LaVey made the Baphomet the "official" symbol of the Church of Satan.
To invert the figure is considered by some as a sign of relegating Spirit to the bottom of the metaphysical heap. Others take inversion to be Satanic and on par with alleged mockeries such as inverting the cross or saying the Mass backwards. Still others find nothing particularly diabolical about inversion and use the inverted pentagram without fear of accidentally invoking the forces of evil
I just think it looks cool and could give a shit what it represents. Black and purple, and well it just looks metal. Alot of people probally will miss the point about what it means but who the fuck cares. Like I said they just look cool.
chill out td it was a joke i was just making the point that just because they have pentagram design could mean absolutely fuck alllllll!!!

do u really think that the record buying public are gonna buy there record if they didnt have pentagram on the album cover??????? would flowers look better or maybe if they were wearing seinfield shirts it would appeal to millions of americans.

they got a hardcore audience man,album is gonna sell ok no matter what the fucking cover looks like,and if by chance a song or 2 do get some radio play and they gain a few thousand fans that would be a bonus.

fuck i'll even email scott and ask the reason behind it if it makes u feel better lol,after all they are the only ones that can answer it.

im gonna start my drinking binge now.
I see where TD is coming from. But regardless I dont think that Anthrax is going to ever sell outside of genre fans, I think their goal with this new album is to sell it to the many metal fans around the world. Not try to convert the pop fans in to Anthrax fans. I think that some metal fans kinda dropped out on the last few thrax albums and those are the fans they are trying to reach with this album. Not that thats why they are putting pentagrams on everything, I think they are doing that just because its a cool design. Pentagrams didnt stop slipknot from selling to a wide audience, so I dont think it will hurt them all that much, and from what I have seen on the album cover it doesnt have a pentagram on it anyway. Just my two cents worth.
hehehe i am chilled out dude me drinking today has nothing to do with the pentagram issue its sat here in aus and its a scorcher which equals beer and plenty of it.

its just that u seem to take offence if someone has a different view on a subject

what do u mean by u guys are way too easy, are u better than us???

nothing like self praise huh
The PentaThrax was Brent's idea.
I like it! It's as cool as one man stand's new avator. Some people might not like it, but fuck it! I'm gonna go drink beer now!:D
I think it's just because of the letter A. Someone might have gotten the idea that it would look cool. I would see nothing really behind it. Well and about those who would connect it with something different... let them all be fooled. Amen.
Yeah, but you know, Anthrax has always done what ever the fuck they want. Like writing the "ballad" Black Lodge.
When that song was on the radio a couple people I know thought that Anthrax had "sunken so low as to" write a ballad.
It's just because that song was different than anything they've ever done. The PentaThrax logo is also different than anything they've ever done. And it, like "Black Lodge" rules.