What's up with Skyfire?

Warheart2 said:
Hey guys, what have u been doing lately, how many new songs do you have ready?
Right now there's not happening too much and we have maybe 3 songs ready.
No gigs confirmed either so that sucks. :/
So we´ll continue to write songs and then hopefully record a new album next year. But as I have mentioned before the record label industry is getting weak, so nothing is no longer certain.
We hope for the best though!
Do you guys use a keyboard as a sequencer or do you have as seperate one? Our band is going to have to go to using a drum machine with programmed keys, and I would just like some ideas.
Warheart2 said:
So your not going to the studio soon? (you said previously u would record new album in early 2005). That sux.
yeah, I know. We were scheduled to record our 4th album in Feb. but we didnt have the material to do it. Now that we have been giving the situation a little bit more thought, maybe its for the best. Cause if we have entered the studio now, the result may had been ok, but not very interesting.

Personally I feel that we have to try to expand our sound more (and that would not been the case if we had recorded the album at this time), but how I dont know really. If we can offer the listener a new experience for each and every album, im satisfied. I dont think that we really succeeded with that between TD and MR. MR is too similiar to TD I think, even though I really like Shapes of Insanity and the title track. At the same time we have to try and keep the balance, I mean we cant change too much either. If you have sugestions, feel free to come forward with them. Would really be interesting to see what to think. I get the feeling that that most people here at the forum enjoy TD the most. =)
I like it too, but I think that there are too much melodies and that they are a bit too happy at times.
TD is just the original. Spectral is my favorite, mostly because the tight rhythms over the classic genious melodies. Ocassionaly you'll jump to some heavy keys and add heavy atmosphere. All 3 are good in their own way, I think you guys are leaning more and more towards prog, which is definatly cool with me.

I think most skyfire fans fall for the piano. A common favorite is Dimensions Unseen, and when I think about that song, the piano melody of the verse is what comes to mind. One of my personal favorites is Awake. Mostly because the arpeggios on the piano in the chorus, then they move on a descending scale with the guitar... I just can't get enough of it.

If I were you and didn't want to change much, I would consider when you write your leads.. add in a 2nd guitar to accent certain parts.. you can even harmonize certain phrases. I'm sure Andy LaRoque can tell you all about it, he is uses it a lot.

Also, skyfire seems to be sending off a more futuristic edge. Maybe you would consider more industrial style synths and possibly interludes with electronic drums (dark tranquillity esque)

Just some ideas.. if you just put out a typical skyfire release I won't be dissapointed. As long as you don't start writing teen angst songs that are all harsh during the verse then strum some chords and sing all pretty about depression for the chorus, I'm good. ;)
Personally I love Timeless Departure (it have been my soundtrack for my car travels for more than a year!).

But tell me Martin, won't you have the european tour in spring as you told some months ago??? It would be a shame waiting for the releasing of the 4th album to hope to see you live!!!!
MotherNorth said:
Personally I love Timeless Departure (it have been my soundtrack for my car travels for more than a year!).

But tell me Martin, won't you have the european tour in spring as you told some months ago??? It would be a shame waiting for the releasing of the 4th album to hope to see you live!!!!
Right now it doesnt look too good with that tour :/
But it would have been fun
We´ll see what happens
Definitely a good idea waiting on the next album Martin, rushing isnt all so fun ;)

TD's melodies are happy at times I guess but I consider them way more epic. Every song is just insanely catchy and the melodies are top notch. TD might be my favorite but I thoroughly enjoyed all the Skyfire releases thus far and have yet to be dissapointed. You guys just keep up the good work and definitely take your time :)

As far as new aspects, I'd like to see a bit more lead work get back into the fold. Thats what hooked me to Skyfire in the first place. I agree experimentation with electronics is a good idea, but don't go too electronic. Skyfire's epic keyboard sound is one of my favorite aspects. I think singing would be a nice experimentation, than again I was trying to talk Martin into singing back in the MR days heh. In small doses it is cool I think, subtley like in Shadow Creator. That is one of my favorite Skfire songs/moments.

You guys will come up with something, don't worry to much man :)
Hey Martin - totally agree on the not-rushing thing. Take as long as you need! I'd rather see a kickass album come out two years from now rather than a not-so-great one so quickly after the last.

I agree with Sean. I like guitar leads. I like em a lot. I like how Timeless Departure was literally saturated with sound - you could listen over and over and find new stuff every time. There was a lot of depth to the CD. I'd love to hear that again. You don't even necessarily have to do it with guitar - maybe more keyboard stuff, maybe mixing up using clean singing and growling at the same time, maybe doing choir-type vocals, or maybe even bringing in classical musicians. You could go really wild, and I'd say why the hell not, as long as you enjoy what you're doing. :D

I did like the epic feel of Timeless Departure more, I must confess. I think there's a sucker in me for uplifting sort of music - or at least 'epic' stuff. I don't think things on a grand scale necessarily have to be happy - Disillusion's Back To Times Of Splendor and Green Carnation's Light of Day, Day of Darkness are anything but happy, but they also have that 'feel' to them.

I think you could really do some cool things with your next album. You could have another go at guitar solos - maybe even do keyboard ones. You could throw in some acoustic guitar work/clean stuff, even just as an intro to songs.

Jonas seems to have almost permanently disappeared, but I'd say to him if he's up for it to throw down some truly funktastic bass - kinda the stuff DiGorgio did for Quo Vadis' Defiant Imagination. Of course, I can recognize that DiGorgio is an insane player, but I'd say a little more intricacy couldn't be too tough.

What I think would also be nifty is some better-polished lyrics. There are some grammatical and spelling errors hither and thither that could be eliminated pretty easily if you guys could get into contact with someone who really has a mastery of English. Hell, write a song or two in Swedish. Start with lyrics instead of music.

(I gotta side with Sean again, too - not a huge fan of lots of electronic influences, but just me!)

You guys could even do something as far out as a concept album. Who knows?
well i am a fan of electronic influence. go futuristc! industrial rules. or go brutal and have a total fuckin riff-fest. or do whatever the hell you want (which is what you should do anyway). other notes: TD is epic as fuck, almost cheesy in places, but its still my favorite so far, and those vocals are excellent...fuck clean vocals. bring back that raw savagry you had on TD. processed vocals are also awesome in electronic type things...yeh, more sick audible basslines could only be good...swedish lyrics would be cool...i guess thats it.
I like Gadlor's idea of acoustic work. I think that could work very well in certain songs. I also agree with neal in that I don't want all out singing. Subtle doses here and there would be a nice change of pace I think however. There are an infinite number of things you guys can do. Just stay true to what true to what the core of Skyfire is. To me it would be the keyboard melody and the guitar melody. It's all up to you guys anyway :)
Final_Vision said:

Whats goin on Martin, Henke, Andreas...anyone? News is what we need. Otherwise I'll go hunt you on ICQ...

We have a gig in Sweden (Västerås) soon. And we are writing new songs.
It has finally started to come along now. i have 3 new songs so we have like 4 all together. But im really inspired at the moment so thats good.
sorry i dont have more interesting things to tell you guys right now. :/