What's Your Opinion Of North Korea Firing Four Missiles Today???

metalkingdom said:
I think that all of you who aren't getting what I'm saying seriously need lessons in history and socio-economics, because you blatantly don't understand why the whole fucking world depends on the United States. It's not about the last 6 years - it's about the last 100 years, and the next 100 years. You all sound like a bunch of stupid little kids who live in your own little world and have no clue whatsoever to how shit works.

I know and acknowledge exactly what you're talking about, and my point is that we need to focus on the NEXT 100 years, because the last 10 years have shown us declining in a lot of important areas. The whole world depended on Rome once upon a time...

metalkingdom said:
Comparing (even) Bush to KJI is beyond ignorant. Move your ass to North Korea and I'll guarantee you that you'll be very fucking sorry that you did so in about 30 seconds flat. I'm not even remotely a fan of Bush and his administration, but there are still plenty of people in this country who stand behind him on most issues.

Not ignorant at all. I was comparing their mindset. Obviously NK is a seriously fucked up country, but give us 10-20 more years of leaders like Bush and our country will have caught up with them.

metalkingdom said:
As an American, I respect their opinions - no matter how much I may agree or disagree with them. What makes your point of view right and their's wrong? That sets up a perfect example (just one of many) of why America is such a great country - WE ACTUALLY GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO ELECT NEW LEADERS SOON.

Hopefully it stays that way here... I'm starting to wonder...

metalkingdom said:
Being liberal or conservative is one thing, being liberal or conservative without knowing why is just plain dumb. I didn't say what I did out of braggadocio, I did it to defend an ignorant comment against the U.S. from some dude on the other side of the world.

I'm neither liberal nor conservative. :goggly:

metalkingdom said:
I can support everything that I've said with facts. You can't make a plausible arguement against that - unless you have facts too.

I have facts, and I was never arguing against any of your conceptions about history. What I am indicating is that present trends are alarming and that we ALL need to realize that arrogance is what will make America fall, just as Rome did.
I wasn't going to get involved either but...

As a Norwegian, and one that's been to many countries, from the middle east to USA etc, I've gotta say this. There's no other country I'd rather live in than Norway. We have acording to UN statistics the highest quality of life in the entire world, but that bullshit means nothing.
When I went to USA a couple of years back no one knew where Norway was. "Is it the capitol of sweden?". "Do you speak french?" Those were the kind of responses I'd get. I'm not saying that this means that no americans have no knowledge of geography, but the few people that had heard of Norway said stuff like "is it true that you have polar bears walking in the streets and do you live in igloos?". Or "do you have electrity?"

"NO! The fucking plane that I went on to get here ran on coal and the fucking runway was lit by bonfires!"

Ahemmm... sorry 'bout that.
I also met a lot of cool people over there, and every fucking one of you americans on this board have been nothing, but extremely cool people:kickass:
Nuk3m said:
The Americans mission was to invade a peice of coast.
The Aussies mission was to stop them.


80 dead Yanks
21 amused Aussies.
*cough*It's a hell of a lot easier to defend a piece of coast than invade*cough*

I've lived in the US and Canada for 3 years and there really isn't that much of a difference beyond the government and taxes. Well there was a strange lack of Taco Bells in British Columbia, only like 3 and they were in malls, and they didn't have Mashed Potatoes or Biscuits at KFC. I never used the Canadian Healthcare so I can't comment on that.

I think it's funny how everyone's always up in arms about American arrogance of being the best and freak out that someone would be prideful of their own country... Most of the people who bitch about it probably haven't lived in America for an extended period of time anyways and probably the only people they're hear people saying America is the best is from internet message boards, a great way to judge a country...
The whole world only depends on America because America is forceing their political agenda on the rest of the world, just like Hitler tried to do in World war 2.(The American goverment are resoponsible for so many deaths everyday, and they are breaking international laws everyday, our goverment here in Denmark is fucked up too, but i´m not saying that my country is the greatest country on earth)
How great is the social welfare really for the typical american compared to the social welfare in most european countries? not that great if you ask me.
And when the next election begins how many parties are really to
vote for?
and if the right man wins, the congress will vote for their former employers son like they did last time-what a farce.
I´m not anti american (most of my favorite bands are american, and i know alot of cool americans from the internet), but imo the Us goverment are doing alot of negative things both for the Us and the rest of the world, and how great is a country where someone like George Bush can be elected as president twice?
Come on your president is calling whole countries for terrorists just to have an excuse to invade them.
America is getting back to the way it was back in the wildwest days, no gun control, and because of this reckless polticy children are shooting down school classes, religious sects are running amok with heavy artillery etc.
Now wait a minute metalkingdom..

the fact is that with bushy boy and his administration taking care of the "greatest country in the world" the world will see a lot more misery then we did over the last 100 years... that is, IF the rest of the world depends on america... you dont need history lesson for that... who cares about history when all we have is the future??

Look, no one is saying you dont have the right to say that america is important to the world, and a great country to live in, but saying that the whole world depends on america and that it's the reason why it's the greatest country in the world, is like saying that iraq, kuweit or another big oil country in the middle east and japan are the greatest countries in the world as well, because america and the rest of the world needs THEM just as hard as we need america...
dont fool yourself metalkingdom, america needs the oil, it needs the economy, it needs the fabrics, the cheap manpower and production and the development of those countries...

I think you need to stop seeing it as "one rich nation" above all those other countries who depend on it... or you might end up seeing things exactly like Bush and his people see it right now and for the past couple of years...

America right now, stands firm globally, correcto mundo...
however, they way they did that, is another thing... they have snobbed europe, "we dont need you", pulled themselves out of international agreements... just ask france and germany!!
they indoctrinated this whole "iraq is evil" and feeded it to the people.. same goes for north korea, lybia and iran (gotta love fox news), they label countries as "evil" and therefore provoke them into war, how is the economy in the states? civil rights? how big are the class differences now, with bush in the ropes? did the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? look as those facts, and no matter how great it is to live there, i would be patrified to have a snobby, cowboy like, retarded leader like bush handling my country... i would NOT feel save as i do now... i cant believe the times i watch fox news or cnn, how many times i see that the emergency level has been uplifted to another defcon again... and im not even getting started on gun control and murder rates, compared to other countries..

but let me get back on track.. :cool:

Internationally, thanks to the reasons above, a whole new mindset on america, outside america has changed quite a bit..
as it seems, there are many countries that are fed up with the arrogant attitude that bush portrays for years now... and the harder they scream that were done with america, the harder america screams back that they are the best. just like your doing now, why the sentence that we are little kids living in our own world without knowing anything about this? you have yet to show us those facts...

how the retard got elected, i'll never know, a lot has to do with the constitution and money is my guess... but you keep going on about facts, yet i have yet to see one that clearly shows me why the world is so more dependant on the states, then say, japan, china, spain, or a european coalition...

i have no clue why you keep saying that america is the best, when clearly you THINK america is the best...

its your opinion, and you have the right to have one, but in my opinion, with the endless terror threats, the way they take care of their people (im thinking disasters like new orleans here) the way they have putten themselves on the map against the ones that were on their side, and especially looking at how things have changed internationally, it seems to wind up as a USA vs the rest of the world outcome, i would not be too happy to have a administration like that, let alone, keep them in the future to come... which looks pretty grim if this goes on like this, dont you agree?

Offcourse, im not aiming at those who live in the states and are happy.. and im defenitly not anti american, i have a lot friends over there that i have gotten to know over the last couple of years, and we never even discuss this shit, but i needed to type this down, but like i said, this is not personal, someone wrote earlier in this thread that the leaders around the world need to duke it out, and i could not agree more!! the people suffer from these so called leaders, and in the end we have nothing to say about it anymore...

I apoligise if i offended anyone with this, probably someone who supports bush :lol: as i type this down, i feel kinda dissapointed that it had to come to a discussion like this, that's why i posted the kim jung video, which is just funny :p , it's a metal forum where we worship Andy after all, but i could not resist replying on what you wrote metalkingdom, i think you should think a bit before you write down stuff like this, because this is exactly that kind of attitude no one's waiting for in a thread like this, yet you did...

no hard feelings by the way, just discussing why i resent bush and his clown administration... and why im happy to be in europe... :p
Hmm, W & H - both used religion to win support of the people against enemies they just made up, unfair (read: illegal) abuses of the democratic process, taking advantage of recent tragedies to appeal to emotion rather than reason in very dangerous grounds, both slandering and taking rights from minority groups 'for the benefit of the rest', both making secrets of what the public has the right to know and defaming as 'traitors' those who try to keep the power in the people's hands... yeah, I just can't compare them.

As for America being the greatest nation on the planet, I'd have to say that as an 'American' I'd have to say that we are the best, except when it comes to crime rates, life expectancy, quality of life, free speech and press, unequal protection of certain groups of citizens, tolerance, open-mindedness, economical stability in terms of imports and exports, education, affordability of health and retirement care, technological efficiency, environmental preservation, fuel and power efficiency, consumption and waste proportions, government spending efficiency, foreign policy, immigration policy, wartime preparedness... the best. Yuh-huh.

JBroll said:
Hmm, W & H - both used religion to win support of the people against enemies they just made up, unfair (read: illegal) abuses of the democratic process, taking advantage of recent tragedies to appeal to emotion rather than reason in very dangerous grounds, both slandering and taking rights from minority groups 'for the benefit of the rest', both making secrets of what the public has the right to know and defaming as 'traitors' those who try to keep the power in the people's hands... yeah, I just can't compare them.

As for America being the greatest nation on the planet, I'd have to say that as an 'American' I'd have to say that we are the best, except when it comes to crime rates, life expectancy, quality of life, free speech and press, unequal protection of certain groups of citizens, tolerance, open-mindedness, economical stability in terms of imports and exports, education, affordability of health and retirement care, technological efficiency, environmental preservation, fuel and power efficiency, consumption and waste proportions, government spending efficiency, foreign policy, immigration policy, wartime preparedness... the best. Yuh-huh.


:lol: i like your sense of humor:notworthy
metalizer said:
:lol: i like your sense of humor:notworthy
Yay! Someone responded! And it didn't involve firearms! MK, I'm not going to say that the US is a bad country, but... Long story short we didn't get to where we were (note that I'm saying 'were', in reference to years back when it was much harder to argue that the US wasn't at the very least one of the best nations; 'best' doesn't mean shit in this world anymore) because we all went around with 'Ooh, we're the best! Hey, why don't we go be awesome and do lots of cool stuff better than the rest of the world!', we got there by working to make the country the best place it could be. Now we have people with that kind of mindset and they happen to be the majority of the country, and thanks to them we're not nearly as good as we used to be, at least in relation to the standards of the time - can't make a decent fucking television or car, can't teach (or learn for that matter), can't even be guaranteed the same basic rights that BROUGHT people to the country and allowed them to make it great. There's no good reason to say we're the best - that's just sitting on our laurels. What we need to do is go back to our old work ethic of 'How do we do this better? more efficient? safer?' and not 'meh, we're still kickass, let's go pwn the n00bs across the ocean'. Granted, a lot of our diminishing productivity isn't our fault (mad cow bullshit killed our beef exports, which would have been a great start) but when all we do is come up with some new things here and there and then go sell them off, hiding our own faulty products behind 'American pride' and 'supporting our economy' (You reading this, Ford and GM?), we're not going to keep a good footing. And don't even get me into the current administration's hatred for science, education, and progress, or the intolerance that's come from the stereotypical American's superiority (try being an atheist in 3/4 of the country, and see how many DEATH THREATS (!), how much unfair treatment, how many laws inhibiting your political action and skewing favor in the way of religion, how much slander and bigotry, how much patronization, and how many nonsensical beliefs about atheists you'll have to put up with), or the fact that we're not supposed to look at the Constitution or other founding documents anymore. Best country, fuck yeah - if you happen to be in the 10% of 'perfect, true Americans' that doesn't have to think about the possibility that the other 90% aren't on cloud nine with them. Your post about metal having been politically-minded before is true, but the relevance of it was that guys like Dave Mustaine found things WRONG rather than shoving flags up their asses and patting themselves on the back.
i´m not saying that Bush is antisemetic, but what did Hitler do besides gassing 6 million jews?He invaded countrys and occupied them,what is the american goverment led by Bush doing ?
Answer:Invading other countries and occupeing them, the Bush addministration is attacking countries because they don´t agree with the politicians in those countries, you can´t just attack everyone who have a different opinion than you have, and you can´t tell other contries that they can´t develop a weapon technology that you have had yourself for over 50 years.
Try to tell china that they should get rid of their nuclear weapons:lol: In the year 2020 China will have the largest ecconomy in the world, and they allready have the largest population, how long do you think they´ll keep doing what America tells them too?here´s a list of countries who have been attacked by America
Don't forget about our governments emergency disaster response timing.
Ever since Katrina wiping out New Orleans and seeing people sitting on thier roof tops for days and days with no food or water when they should have been out of there, I've been wishing I lived in Canada or The Netherlands.
I like Eddie Izzard's flag bit better, even though it was about the British and India.


I also like the most recent Bushism - "I've reminded the prime minister—the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship."


I can't help but note that of all the times he was referred to as 'The Decider' I didn't once hear him called 'The Good Decider'.
