What's your TV guilty pleasure?


Aug 1, 2002
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So I'm pretty sure everybody around here has at least ONE guilty pleasure on TV. That show, trashy or not, stupid or not that you know everyone is going to make fun of you for watching... so, what is it?!?
See, I'd say cartoons, but nobody makes fun of me for watching cartoons unless they're laaaaame..

That being said, I do have one strange thing that I always have to watch if it's on; documentaries on surgical procedures, especially cosmetic surgery. >_> I love watching people recieve surgery. Like.. nose jobs, boob jobs, reconstructive, all of it. Sometimes they do specials on Discovery Health, and my favorite thing is to watch someone's body get cut open and rebuilt. I also like watching shows about various physical disfigurements, especially if they include surgery.

Oddly, the only show I watch anymore which qualifies as a "guilty pleasure" would probably be The Vampire Diaries.

Yeah, I'd definitely put anything that airs on "The WB" as a guilty pleasure... :D

..that being said, I braved those waters for one episode of one show.....

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I'd say I wouldn't mind watching some Pokemon every now and then. It just for those days after school when you don't feel like watching anything complicated. I miss toonami back when it was like Dragonball and Voltron at like 5pm.

Also, as much as I hate The Office now... I still seem to have to record an episode every now and then, but thats if my DVR is at like 90% empty.
I dont have cable. But TV shows are on netflix right off the xbox. RIVER MONSTERS or SWORDS (a deadliest catch show bassed off of HUGE FUCKING SWARLDFISH) are my most recent faves.... i guess anything over the top and just crazy... Like the crazy rednecks that go gator hunting.....

shows like Jersey Shore, the Hills, all that other bullshit just piss me off. Lets give people more money than they have to do a show about how stupid and drama filled their life is.... Must be nice to be stuck in a house and are told to just eat, party, drink, fuck and sleep.... oh i forgot the fist pumping.
The Hard Times of RJ Berger. I am way too old to derive enjoyment from penis and fart jokes, but the show just tickles me. My wife thinks I should be committed.
shows like Jersey Shore, the Hills, all that other bullshit just piss me off. Lets give people more money than they have to do a show about how stupid and drama filled their life is.... Must be nice to be stuck in a house and are told to just eat, party, drink, fuck and sleep.... oh i forgot the fist pumping.


You jelly???????
I mostly watch old tv shows, today is Barney Miller. All in the Family is my favorite tv show ever, but I also on the Hulk, Battlestar Galactica (the real one), Young Indiana Jones, Starsky and Hutch, christ tv show are all I buy.
And I have A LOT of cartoons mostly super heroes like every DC. And well while I'm at it there is a very large live concert collection. Also I'm really into live action super hereos. Many years ago before the Marvel movies were being pumped out Wizard magazine contact me to work with them on a special issue about this stuff but it never happened. But I knew the stuff extremely well.

Back to tv shows I watch many and have many even rarities like Lobo, Wizards and Warriors, and The Master.

Currently on the stand being watched; Barney Miller, Superman The Animated Series, and The Kids in the Hall.