What's your TV guilty pleasure?

I only watch a few shows anyway, but I guess the one that probably qualifies as a guilty pleasure would be "House". I am still watching the occasional early season shows...no idea how many total seasons of it there are.
Really? I've tried watching that show a number of times and every time I do, it bores me to tears. I don't know how it's actually still on the air.

Community is brilliant. Its movie/other releated references galore and thats what makes them great.

Have you seen the first paintball game episode(s? i forget if they did it in two episodes the first time around)

But again this is coming from a guy who:

- hates the hangover & associated co (although the same guy who plays Chang in community is brilliant)
- hates seth rogan & associated co.
- hates superbad & associated co.
- hates the office (u.s)

... just to name a few lately
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Phineas and Ferb. Probably the only show worth watching on the Disney Channel.

It's a good thing this thread didn't happen a couple of years ago, as I'd have been forced to list two shows on Disney as 'guilty pleasures' -- Ocean Girl and Spellbinders. The latter had anti-grav ships powered from a central power-beaming antenna; I love that sort of thing.
--Especially when the power inevitably fails and crashes ensue. :)

Oh, and The Tribe on WAM! (now defunct as a Starz network, I think). In my defense, I'd met some of the show's cast at Dragon*Con years ago and made friends with one of 'em.
The Tribe was great on an embarassing level. I felt like a pervert for watching it but it had some great over tones but terrible acting.

All of those teen girl bad acting shows are for perverts and lonely middle aged men. HAHA
The tribe struck me as being very odd though, I'm sure I'm thinking of the right show; post apocalyptic Aussie with hot young girls in neat 80s post punk make up.
All of those teen girl bad acting shows are for perverts and lonely middle aged men. HAHA
The tribe struck me as being very odd though, I'm sure I'm thinking of the right show; post apocalyptic Aussie with hot young girls in neat 80s post punk make up.

yep, that is the show. I love post apocalyptic stuff. This had teribble acting but great ideas for stories. I would like to see it again in its running order but fell like a total pervert for getting them on DVD.
Yep, my wife watches Hellcats on WB and I can't help but pretend I'm NOT watching. The show is total eye candy!!!! :goggly:


...see what I mean!

Say Yes To the Dress is the one my husband teases me about the most. I'm fascinated with what people are willing to spend on a wedding dress. Mind-boggling.
Oh yeah. Also forgot Skins (original UK version - not the horrible MTV one)

And not a guilty pleasure but I highly recommend IT Crowd to anyone with Netflix Instant.
[The Tribe]

yep, that is the show. I love post apocalyptic stuff. This had teribble acting but great ideas for stories. I would like to see it again in its running order but fell like a total pervert for getting them on DVD.

I scooped up a couple of the seasons fairly cheaply while I was over in the UK...it became pretty obvious how the kids' acting abilities had progressed from Season 1 through, say, the end of Season 3. :)
I can't really hold the acting against them too much, especially in the early days; I think the oldest cast member back then (aside from the occasional adult appearing in a pre-virus flashback) was all of 14. I remember being impressed at the self-assured way the youngster playing "Amber" carried herself back then, when I saw that she was only 12 at the time. (!)