When a girl wears a shirt with words on it, like over teh b00biez,

JayKeeley said:
Actually, I wouldn't vote for Zod.
You better pray I never take power.

JayKeeley said:
I don't want topless. I want push up bra, thong, and transparent 5" heels.
I once heard it theorized, that men like woman in very high heels, because it makes them look vulnerable. The theory went, that even woman who walk well in heels, still walk with a slight wobble, which creates an air of vulnerability. I wonder if that's true.

Nah, I feel powerful in high heels... they make me feel complete and teh sexayy. Just me though.
General Zod said:
I once heard it theorized, that men like woman in very high heels, because it makes them look vulnerable. The theory went, that even woman who walk well in heels, still walk with a slight wobble, which creates an air of vulnerability. I wonder if that's true.
That's incredibly creepy. I take it the theorizer was making the connection between high heels and bound feet?

I really really really like high heels, hooker boots, etc. In fact whenever my last girlfriend would wear said shoes, I'd ask her to leave them on while banging. Haha one time she accidentally kicked me in the nuts with her boot, but I was still able to successfully complete the mission. :loco:
General Zod said:
You better pray I never take power.

I once heard it theorized, that men like woman in very high heels, because it makes them look vulnerable. The theory went, that even woman who walk well in heels, still walk with a slight wobble, which creates an air of vulnerability. I wonder if that's true.


Nah, you know what the real reason is right? The heel lifts the foot thereby flexing the calf muscle and making the legs look deceptively longer and firmer. That and of course it adds overall height to the chick.

Why our instincts are drawn to long firm legs on women though, I don't know.

long firm smooth legs in heels > short fat hairy legs and barefoot.

The height thing seems to work either way. Models are tall, especially catwalk models, and so I imagine that's what most men find attractive. But then you have some dudes like lurch70, who at 6ft 7", tends to like midgets so he can "toss them around the room" like a sack of spuds.
The whole high-heels, thong, huge (silicon) breasts thing just remind me of porn, thus making it rather unattractive :erk:

Thongs <
Thongs do actually serve a purpose -- other than to attract men on the beach or to floss out some crusty teggits -- they prevent panty lines. Panty lines under pants/trousers or whatever is what you might see on your grandmother.
Generally speaking I'd prefer (the company of) a girl with panty lines than one without and with thong. Not caring about panty lines (and thus not having looks and a desire to appear attractive as a goal, but rather something else - whatever that may be is generally more interesting than fashion and looks) is a good sign in a girl in my book :P