Ben Stein's Salute to Troops (a letter)




Any questions?!?!

Well, I've said my part about the war and all of that, but I couldn't help but chime in again about this:

I like how people are assuming those in the U.S. military either support this war and/or are volunteers when most in the military these days are poor kids from the south that simply had no other fucking choice in life.

That is such a bullshit 'fact' that is brought up by people that really don't know anything about the Military. The same people that say this are the people that will say things like 'the US Military will take anyone' or 'It's easy to join the Military, anyone can do it' etc. It's just shit people have fabricated in their mind, because they feel like it is logical and makes sense and they have heard other people they feel are credible say it, when really these 'facts' are such bullshit.

Just remember, make your grades or you'll end up in Iraq.

I still say supporters of this war should go join Tully in the fighting. Words mean nothing.

Clinton for '08!!!!
I still say supporters of this war should go join Tully in the fighting. Words mean nothing.

I sort of agree. Now, I know everyone has their place in the world so I'm not saying everyone should join the fight by any meens. But, if you have thought about it, and have the opertunity, and support the troops over there, then go for it. That's part of the reason I joined, to put my money where my mouth was.
That is such a bullshit 'fact' that is brought up by people that really don't know anything about the Military. The same people that say this are the people that will say things like 'the US Military will take anyone' or 'It's easy to join the Military, anyone can do it' etc. It's just shit people have fabricated in their mind, because they feel like it is logical and makes sense and they have heard other people they feel are credible say it, when really these 'facts' are such bullshit.

Right. The statistics that back me up and the 15 years of firsthand knowledge I gained while moving around with the military counts for nothing.
Right. The statistics that back me up and the 15 years of firsthand knowledge I gained while moving around with the military counts for nothing.

It is still only an opinion, not a fact. Your opinion does meen a lot more then most people who say this though. I still disagree though.
Quite literally every single person I know who is going to serve or has served is/has done so because they have run out options. Further, every single person I know who is now out of the military said it was the worst experience of their life. My thinking is that the claim of wanting to "change the world" is justification for bad judgement. No one is changing the world when they get blown to bits by a RPG.
Quite literally every single person I know who is going to serve or has served is/has done so because they have run out options.

Who are you hanging out with, drug addicts?!?! Every marine I know has had many options laid before them, yet they CHOSE the military. Not at gun point, but by their own evaluation that is was the right path to take in life. Now most of them are either in the L.A.P.D, or in the process of testing for acceptance in to the academy. 55K a year, great benefits, good hours, and the ability to make a shit load more money doing private security all on the side. The military pretty much paved the way for them getting in with very little hassle. Sounds like a pretty smart career move if you want to ask me.
Actually almost all of them Marines I know had a variety of options other than the military, several had already been accepted or were in college.
Irregardless of my personal stance on the war, etc. I think its admirable of Tully for sticking with his beliefs and, so to speak, practicing what you preach.
Well let's just say most don't join the Marine Corps for benefits, considering it has by far the least to offer in terms of rose gardens. So, if one is joining the military because they 'have no other choice' usually they will not choose the Marine Corps. So, maybe I am a bit out of line because I am judging mostly by the Corps because that is what I have the most experience with now. People join the Marine Corps to become Marines, it really is that simple.
Actually almost all of them Marines I know had a variety of options other than the military, several had already been accepted or were in college.
Irregardless of my personal stance on the war, etc. I think its admirable of Tully for sticking with his beliefs and, so to speak, practicing what you preach.

Thank you man, it really does mean a lot as much as people think words may be empty, in the case of joining the military, it really is a good feeling when people wish you well. Around here (Massachusetts) those people are few and far between.