Ben Stein's Salute to Troops (a letter)

I hope you have a long and fulfilling career in the Marines. I've been told the military "takes care of it's own" and I know they have a great retirement package. Good luck!
As opposed to hand to hand combat in the Iraqi desert by volunteers?

Nah, I was trying to say there's isn't a comparison between a World War and what is going on in Iraq. The Axis powers were trying to take over the entire world. Those fighting against them were drafted - taken away from their families and jobs, against their will, and sent to kill or be be killed. Volunteering to go to Iraq and fight people who are only fighting because Bush invaded their country isn't even remotely the same. That's all I was saying.
What I do not understand is why people keep saying that the soldiers in Iraq are Defending America. I always see people talking about Defending America. What does going over to Iraq have to do with our defense. Last time I checked Iraq never attacked America nor had plans to.

That being said, I also get choked up seeing wounded, mangled or dead kids on t.v., it's heartbreaking. I have a problem with the war and the administration, not the soldiers who feel that they are serving their country and making a difference, no matter how misguided it they may be. But not all soldiers are heroes or even good people. People like to beleive they are, but it is not always the case. There are plenty of rednecks out there who just wanna shoot some damn towel heads.

In the end it doesn't really matter what I think and I wish you the best of luck Tully.
I like how people are assuming those in the U.S. military either support this war and/or are volunteers when most in the military these days are poor kids from the south that simply had no other fucking choice in life.
Saddumb Hungsain never gave the A O.K to the U.N to inspect his cockroach infested nation for WMD's. Am I right or am I wrong?!?! I don't watch the news, as I am to busy listening to heavy metal and hating liberal faggots like the ones in this thread. :goggly:

Tully bring me back some ears!!! Hail Hitler and Hail Bush!!! And by Bush I mean Kim Kardashian's on the debut of her porno tape.

Dorian the only difference between today and the 1940's, is that all these damn liberal movements have taken away the average citizen's balls. Unlike the average ham n egging citizen, George Bush has balls the size of grapefruits. He would have been a marine himself, if he wasn't busy being the ladies man he was in college. Laura is quite the looker. :OMG:
Jerry, honest question here, but if you're pro the war in Iraq and you want more Americans to keep going over (or whatever Bush's plans are), doesn't it feel weird to know you're losing the war?

That's gotta be odd for anyone. I have to imagine it was a fucked up time in the 60's and 70's to know that the war in Vietnam was being lost.

It's kinda like a row of firemen putting out a fire, and one by one they keep dying in the process, but each time they think the fire is out, it reignites....and then they just say 'fuck it, let's cut our losses', go home, and the house burns to the ground anyway.

Seriously, that's gotta be weeeeird to see this happening right before your eyes and all you can say is "nooooooo!!!!", kinda like what Luke said when Vader struck Obi Wan down.
What's the other option, pull out with our tail in between our legs?!?! Once you make a commitment to something you have to see it through. Go watch the twin towers falling on youtube to remember why we are over there. Yea Sodom Hunglo may have not been directly aggressive against the U.S. That doesn't change the fact that he needed to be ousted. Until stability is reached in the country, or until I radically change my opinion on the matter, this war must continue.
If planes never struck those towers, we would have never stormed through Iraq.

P.S I hate armchair political debate, as it is purely subjective drivel that has no effect on what's going on in the real world. Close this shit and create 10 metal threads in it's place. Saddam would have wanted it that way. :(
I have to agree with RiA...this topic just doesn't seem as important now that Anna's gone. :(
What's the other option, pull out with our tail in between our legs?!?! Once you make a commitment to something you have to see it through. Go watch the twin towers falling on youtube to remember why we are over there. Yea Sodom Hunglo may have not been directly aggressive against the U.S. That doesn't change the fact that he needed to be ousted. Until stability is reached in the country, or until I radically change my opinion on the matter, this war must continue.

Why did he need to be ousted? He killed terrorists...alot of them. Also, don't believe stability can be reached in iraq as we're the catylist of the violence. Anything we were going to do in Iraq, we've done, now maybe we should work on getting out of there. Perhaps send the troops to Afganistan(sp), before that situation completly deteriorates.
Who's legs would it be between, if not ours?

I'm going to sleep. You know the one thing Iraqi children have a hard time doing since their country is riddled with scumbag extremists.
As well as countless innocents who he had beheaded, shot, tortured. and gased. Who gives a fuck about them right? Just aslong as we are living a care free life with our X-Box 360s and our 60 gb Ipods.

Actually, that's exactly why I was asking for your opinion because it doesn't make any sense that you (of all people) would give a shit about Iraqi civillians!!! :hypno: :goggly: It's like you're saying that those folks take priority over the people in New Orleans or general impoverished US citizens. :loco:



Any questions?!?!
Because not only were all of the people who were victims of hurricane Katrina both BLACK AND CRIMINALS, but all of the victims of Al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and all other terrorist groups are adorable little girls.