when a married person says "i wish i was single again"


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
what does that mean?

i've heard that from several friends around my age (mid-20's) say such things, and all i can think is why the fuck did they get married then.

anybody else hear crap like this?
yes, all married people say it when they are around male friends ... then you take them out for a night of boozing and rejection ... and they all crawl back to their wives.

Some people change I guess. The people I work with put their jobs before their homelife. I don't see why they're married in that case. My boss is working locally with me and he leaves the office at 11pm only to come back at 7am. He's written-off his homelife completely, including wife and 3 children. I don't know how you could consider that a "marriage" because he might as well be single during the week, and married on the weekends, and even then maybe...

Likewise, the bitch might turn on you and become a complete cunt. In that case, you regret being with her.

The problem with marriage is that you assume both people will be the same on the day of marriage through to death. That makes no sense. People change, and not to sound cheesy but when two married people grow, they both have to grow together in the same direction. If not then you're headed into trouble.....but then sometimes you need time apart and then it's all about trust.

I've been married 6 years now. So far so good. :)
actually i was referring to females mostly. several ex-girlfriends have told me that, and i've heard it from other female friends as well.
Believe it or not, I know someone who got married in order to get centrelink funding. Funniest part is that he is Gay.

And so is his "wife."

Pays for the cask wine though I guess.
It means "The wife is so boring and says no to anything kinky, I'd give anything to resume skirt chasing and bar hopping 24/7..." or "My husband is lousy in bed and threatens to give people a beating for staring at my tits...I just want to hang out in singles bars and get wasted every night again."
If you're going to have a bunch of kids and love eachother and actually will want to live together for the rest of yourlives, marrying is a clever thing to do... My parents waited for pretty long (I was five, and I have two older brothers and they didn't really start das bebemakin right away) before they did it, and it's working fine so far
marriage isn't necessarily supposed to be easy...it's just supposed to be more beneficial from a variety of standpoints.

the wife and I have had various issues but by and large it's been far better for me to be married than single because man, I would be out of control, not from a sleeping around standpoint, but a drug/alcohol standpoint.
One Inch Man said:
what does that mean?

i've heard that from several friends around my age (mid-20's) say such things, and all i can think is why the fuck did they get married then.

anybody else hear crap like this?

Yes, I actually hear that a lot.
Been with my wife for 15 years (married for 10, living together for 5). I love being married. But that's by and large because my wife is awesome. However, I have those moments where, "I wish I was single". Typically these moments occur when some hotty is making it pretty obvious that I could nail her. Hence, the only thing that I don't like about being married is, my wife won't let me date.

By the way, if an X-GF was telling me she wished she was single, I would take that to mean she wants me to nail her.

everything revolves around the nailing function.:)

maybe the best thing about being married is you're way past most of the stupid game playing involved in dating. you know each other well and you get into an easy rhythm of existence...the danger is that some people find that "easy rhythm" to be boring and then they stray from the path of righteousness.