when a married person says "i wish i was single again"

MFJ said:
COME ON!!! I MAKE $9.00/hour!!!!!!
dude i have friends in their 30's making exactly $0.00/hour and they get chicks.

seriously, all my friends are nearing or over 30 years old, unemployed, and live with their parents. wtf.
One Inch Man said:
dude i have friends in their 30's making exactly $0.00/hour and they get chicks.

seriously, all my friends are nearing or over 30 years old, unemployed, and live with their parents. wtf.

I'm actually pretty sure the selection in East Hampton, Connecticut is just shitty. I'm waiting for college, man. I'm telling you.
College sucks because instead of there being around 100 stupid self-concerned fucks in highschool you're around 10,000 stupid self-concerned fucks in college... plus there are crazy bible hockers on campus too.

but there is a higher probability that there might be one völkisch pychoactive user somewhere in the college than in a high school.
i got randomly invited to this party last night, it was a bunch of jocks and skanks from my high school...people i never, ever hung out with in high school :lol: ...i went anyway, there were a couple cool guys i hadn't seen for a while and the biggest assholes weren't there at least. still, it was really weird, i show up in all black with my demilich shirt and bullet belt and everyone else is wearing basketball jerseys :tickled:
my college sucked. still nobody who liked the finer music :(...

also, this place is like a fucking meatgrinder, so nobody has time to do much anyway, just work, study, homework sleep(if you're lucky).
One Inch Man said:
dude i have friends in their 30's making exactly $0.00/hour and they get chicks.

to answer the original question: people say this for several reasons. they've had an argument with the wife, they've realized they got married too early (whatever that happens to mean to them), or, for guys, they think it would behoove them to increase their sexual experience (a la having sex with a different chick). now, granted, ive never actually heard anyone say this. haha. myself and all my friends are married and we're all pretty secure. marriage is hard though. i'll say that. it's a challenge.
good luck.