When are we going to start hating krampus?

When will we hate krampus?

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OKCupid.com is a respectable dating site that weeds out dumb people. I have several friends who have been successful using OKC.
Like Pessimism said, it appears to be crap in the US.

Focks said:
So apparently it's a pretty ongoing thing that I receive messages from the ugliest girls in the world on okcupid. I figured I'd just make this a new thread (mostly because I'm lazy and don't feel like searching for the ugliest girls thread.)

I just got a message from a TRANSGENDERED freak that read: "Hey, I think we have a lot in common." Uhhhh, no, sorry buddy.




That last one really creeps me out.
I'll have to got check it out. I've ever dated interracially.

[/subtle brag about having had a date once]
During my last year in college I hooked up with a black, freshman girl on my floor a couple of times. I wasn't impressed with her though.

What exactly is Symposium though? I skimmed the UM page and didn't see anything by that title.
ps Grant your song is awesome. I'm going to screen print it on the back of a shirt that has my face on the front and wear it 24/7
I dated a black/japanese girl for two years. it was pretty awesome (except for the end when she cheated on me and left me for my best friend but whatever)
was she kimora lee simmons who made Baby Phat?

I keep dating white guys with green eyes. It's not on purpose but it has been an alarming trend.
Also you have to be naturally dark blonde and of partially German descent with a square jaw and be able to play musical instruments and like metal
The guy who shot himself in the head wasn't really Kurt Cobain, he was his identical twin Bert. Kurt is safe and sound in Kumamoto Japan, found the fountain of eternal youth and is 24 again, and now plays lead guitar in a hard rock band called Sinnocular.

Seems cool enough to me. Isn't a bitch or an attention whore. Posts are generally entertaining. No complaints here. :kickass:

Though I do find it incredibly funny she's racked up over 1k posts in 2 months, to my sub-400 in six years.