When Day Descends


New Metal Member
Aug 9, 2005

When Day Descends is a project I recently discovered through a review on Sea of Tranquility. It is a one-man project by a guy named Dave Caswell in Tasmania, Australia. From the review and the one track I downloaded from the site, I would describe it in a nutshell as Opeth-influenced instrumental prog rock/metal. This stuff is great! I'm going to buy this cd real soon. What I can't believe is that its independent. At the very least this cd should be in cd stores online. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you knew anything about this already. I really think this kind of thing is right up the alley of Sensory. I predict that with a little time and exposure this guy is going to get signed and go places in the prog community. I don't know if this is anything you're looking for but I wanted to give you a heads-up, 'cause this sure came out left field for me!

II=I said:

When Day Descends is a project I recently discovered through a review on Sea of Tranquility. It is a one-man project by a guy named Dave Caswell in Tasmania, Australia. From the review and the one track I downloaded from the site, I would describe it in a nutshell as Opeth-influenced instrumental prog rock/metal. This stuff is great! I'm going to buy this cd real soon. What I can't believe is that its independent. At the very least this cd should be in cd stores online. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you knew anything about this already. I really think this kind of thing is right up the alley of Sensory. I predict that with a little time and exposure this guy is going to get signed and go places in the prog community. I don't know if this is anything you're looking for but I wanted to give you a heads-up, 'cause this sure came out left field for me!


Yeah, the disc is great. I reviewed it for UM, so check out the reviews and unsigned spotlight section for more content. Anyhow, since Ken hasn't replied yet, I suppose I'll reiterate his previous comments. Laser's Edge only deals with full bands, not solo endeavors. So, that kind of eliminates the possibility of being signed, though I agree WDD should be! :rock: Anyway, feel free to correct me Ken if you see any discrepancies (sp; lazy).

I appreciate the heads up.

Mr. Brimstone is correct. As a policy we don't work with individual artists - only bands. Having said that it definitely sounds like an interesting project and I'll visit the website when I have the opportunity. Maybe Dave Caswell has something grander in mind.

Ken Golden
Hey Ken, I was told this thread had been posted here, thought i'd drop by again. Thought it'd meet the same reaction as when i myself posted a little while ago, hehe. I'm assuming the 'band' thing is to do with gigging? For my next endeavours im working towards having a more complete lineup, though it still would likely be a recording project at least for the moment. My visions are grand, its just a matter of being grand in the way you want!

Anyway, if you do check out the website i'd really appreciate it. And there's been some good reactions over at the Opeth forum if you wanted to see a few more general opinions: here.

But i will definitely be getting a CD to you with details and such before long anyway. Even if it's perhaps not appropriate for your label hopefully you at least enjoy it as a listener.

Also, i've been listening to Circus Maximus constantly the past few weeks, brilliant stuff.