When did you stop believing in god?

You are on a metal forum you stupid cunt.

Metal is probably one of the most, if not the only, outwardly hostile western sub-cultures to religion.
Your claim that you "never knew we got 99% athesit on this site..." is woefully ignorant.


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Thread degradation into stupid back and forth insults - time to exit as the worthwhile debate and discussion falls like dominoes. See ya!

Good conversation while it lasted.
Here's a quote from Rowan Atkinson I always liked:

"To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous, but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas, even if they are sincerely held beliefs, is one of the fundamental freedoms of society. A law which attempts to say you can criticize and ridicule ideas as long as they are not religious ideas is a very peculiar law indeed."
I am not an ateist, i am agnostic born into a family of ateists and agnostics.

On the god (intentionally written with a small letter) from the Bible: the descriptions of it/he/she contradict each other, so logically it/he/she can't exist.

On a god understood as a being powerful and knowledgeable above our current understanding: it can exist somewhere in the infinitely big universe, of course there is no scientific proof for or against.
On a god understood as a being powerful and knowledgeable above our current understanding: it can exist somewhere in the infinitely big universe, of course there is no scientific proof for or against.

This is my view on the whole thing, although you could just as easily call a powerful, knowledgeable being an "alien", it doesn't necessarily have to be called a "god" and it sure as hell doesn't have to be called THE biblical "God", and maybe THE biblical god might even be just that...........the "a" word.
I understand your point, but you can't say there's no evidence "against" it, because you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand that scientifically speaking, you can't prove that something "doesn't exist". There's also no evidence against the invisible pink unicorn or the flying spaghetti monster, but no one really believes in them because there's no evidence "for" them either.
I never believed, I've been brought up to think for myself, my parents decided to not baptize me, NOT because they don't believe, but because they thought if I decided I want to, I could always do it at some later point....And I think that's the way better option than deciding it for an infant that can't choose.
Since I was always curious and wanted to know how things work etc "belief" was never an option.

I actually think it's not possible to be open minded, question things, be intelligent AND believe in a god.
I'm NOT saying religious people aren't intelligent, but they're trained to not question certain things, if they're being confronted with facts, they're indoctrinated to shut that logical part of the brain down and go into defensive mode. That's why you'll NEVER be able to "convince" a believer, if they could be convinced by or would considering actual facts, they couldn't be believers in the first place.

Again, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying believers are stupid (I have some rather smart ones among my friends), but if you grow up being indoctrinated like that, it isn't easy to change your entire view on the world when you're an adult.

"There's something in every atheist, itching to believe, and something in every believer, itching to doubt"

I don't think that's true
meanwhile in a parallel universe a group of scientists stone a co-worker to death for not wearing the sacred lab coat, and a group of priests discover a cure for hiv through the method of itense prayer.
Most of people dont want to believe that all ends with death, so they embrace some kind of religion to soften their fears. That´s here that some kind of GOD makes sense to a lot of people, they cant stand the idea that they are alone and without some kind of a divinity purpose in life.

Also there is a great obsession for a lot of people that is to know the truth, to possess the truth because they think that this is the ultimate purpose of life. I think this is just some kind of a utopic idea that keeps the man pursuing some kind of objective. But will the this kind of truth fulfills an empty heart, bring what misses in our lifes? Bring peace? End all wars, hunger, pain, greed and all that shit?

All of this to say that sometimes we miss what´s really important in our lifes, we get lost in achieving something greater than us and we miss the little things of life, the fragments of small things that plays a great importance in the whole picture that is life. Because great things are made of small ones and let me say that this things wont happen if we wait for god to send us some guidence and light into our lifes. Because god is just a creation of our mind.

Well this went to the philosophic side!lol

Here we go

01. Associating anything with Allah : How can you pray to anyone without associating?

02. Murder : Why does Muhammad get a free pass? What about his army? Do they get one also?

03. Practising magic : That's like saying: "Don't play pretend"

04. Not Praying : See #1

05. Not paying Zakat : Fine, your choice, give it away. Personally, charity is better for me.

06. Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse : Fine, starve yourself. I wouldn't advise it.

07. Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so : Don't care, go there. What a wast of time.

08. Disrespect to parents : Impossible. Any number of factors makes this irrelevant.

09. Abandoning relatives : Does this count for Muslims that don't pray?

10. Fornication and Adultery : Always after virgins, you're missing out. I guess you have to define "Fornication".

11. Homosexuality(s*odomy) : No rights, that prostate gland isn't going to fiddle itself. Tho not my bag.

12. Interest(Riba) : The entire religion is a form of exploitation.

13. Wrongfully consuming the property of an orphan : That's just common decency.

14. Lying about Allah and His Messenger : Isn't this open to interpretation?

15. Running away from the battlefield : This can be a tactical response. Is it still wrong?

16. A leader's deceiving his people and being unjust to them : Oh shit! Muhammad did this!

17. Pride and arrogance : I'm pretty sure Muslims have pride towards other Muslims. Arrogance, really?

18. Bearing false witness : Can't think of a single human who hasn't in one form or another.

19. Drinking Khamr (wine) : Be a non-drinker, don't care.

20. Gambling : Life is.

21. Slandering chaste women : Well it isn't nice in either case.

22. Stealing from the spoils of war : That's cool but if Mohammed sells it, it's all good.

23. Stealing : See # 22

24. Highway Robbery : Robbing people is just not nice, where ever you are.

25. Taking false oath : Who's the judge in your imagination?

26. Oppression : Hilarious!

27. Illegal gain : Fuck human rights.

28. Consuming wealth acquired unlawfully : Fuck human rights. see # 27

29. Committing suicide : Really depends on the situation.

30. Frequent lying : 2, 6, 50, what constitutes "Frequent"?

31. Judging unjustly : Hilarious!

32. Giving and Accepting bribes : Fine, forced donations will do.

33. Woman's imitating man and man's imitating woman : I had no clue biology was that simple.

34. Being cuckold (A word used to describe a married man who's wife is sleeping with other men) : I'm confused on this one. If your woman cheats on you, you're at fault?

35. Marrying a divorced woman in order to make her lawful for the husband : Retarded.

36. Not protecting oneself from urine (not cleaning properly) : Derp, but it should be your choice.

37. Showing-off : Open to interpretation.

38. Learning knowledge of the religion for the sake of this world and concealing that knowledge : This religion, has very little to offer in the way of "knowledge".

39. Bertrayal of trust : Hilarious!

40. Recounting favours : Don't tell anyone about Islam, solved.

41. Denying Allah's Decree : Free will, is subjective.

42. Listening (to) people's private conversations : "lalalalalalalalal hooby scooby doo, where are you?" Effective every time.

43. Carrying tales : Oh no! Do not pass down old stories from primitive people!

44. Cursing : Subjective.

45. Breaking contracts : No need for lawyers I guess.

46. Believing in fortune-tellers* and astrologers : To date there is no proof of supernatural claims.

47. A woman's bad conduct towards her husband : Subjective.

48. Making statues and pictures : Guy was probably so ugly.

49. Lamenting, wailing, tearing the clothing, and doing other things of this sort when an affliction befalls : I just set your clothing on fire, be a good Muslim and sit there quietly.

50. Treating others unjustly : Too funny

51. Overbearing conduct toward the wife, the servant, the weak, and animals : The occasional slap is OK. (I can't believe people have to be told this)

52. Offending one's neighbour : But they have pictures of Muhammad all over the place and they're western Christians

53. Offending and abusing Muslims : Even if they wear a shirt with Muhammad image on it?

54. Offending people and having an arrogant attitude toward them : Yeah, some people are pricks

55. Trailing one's garment in pride : Do socks count?

56. Men's wearing silk and gold : To fucking weird, why not?

57. A slave's running away from his master : I knew something about slaves would come up

58. Slaughtering an animal which has been dedicated to anyone other than Allah : Wow, just wow!

59. To knowingly ascribe one's paternity to a father other than one's own : That ain't yo baby daddy

60. Arguing and disputing violently : lol I guess most Muslims are going to hell.

61. Witholding excess water : There must have been a shortage when this was written

62. Giving short weight or measure : Not sure what this means. Does it have something to do with money?

63. Feeling secure from Allah's Plan : Oh so you have to doubt Allah, it all makes sense now

64. Offending Allah's righteous friends : Like who?

65. Not praying in congregation but praying alone without an excuse (only for males) How gay

66. Persistently missing Friday Prayers without any excuse : Is this cause for a good old stoning?

67. Usurping the rights of the heir through bequests : Sure take all my shit, deep down I want you to

68. Deceiving and plotting evil : I guess you guys don't have crime novels

69. Spying for the enemy of the Muslims : That would be everyone else

70. Cursing or insulting any of the Companiions of Allah's Messenger : But the SOB is trying to cut my head off, rape my baby girl and then take everything that belonged to me FUCK HIM!

Well a few are common sense but the majority of these "sins" are just plain stupid.
Most of people dont want to believe that all ends with death, so they embrace some kind of religion to soften their fears. That´s here that some kind of GOD makes sense to a lot of people, they cant stand the idea that they are alone and without some kind of a divinity purpose in life.

Also there is a great obsession for a lot of people that is to know the truth, to possess the truth because they think that this is the ultimate purpose of life. I think this is just some kind of a utopic idea that keeps the man pursuing some kind of objective. But will the this kind of truth fulfills an empty heart, bring what misses in our lifes? Bring peace? End all wars, hunger, pain, greed and all that shit?

All of this to say that sometimes we miss what´s really important in our lifes, we get lost in achieving something greater than us and we miss the little things of life, the fragments of small things that plays a great importance in the whole picture that is life. Because great things are made of small ones and let me say that this things wont happen if we wait for god to send us some guidence and light into our lifes. Because god is just a creation of our mind.

Well this went to the philosophic side!lol

Wise words my man!