God vs Ghosts

The hallucinating thing is very possible and easier than most people think.

I had a flashback on a city street in Kentucky where I was startled by an ambulance coming around a corner with its lights on. For a split second I saw the ambulance explode from a car bomb and my body felt the shock wave of air start to hit. I starting jerking my wife's arm with my hand to pull her to ground before I realized the ambulance really had not exploded.

The beginning of the explosion, the feeling of the air all felt 100% real, but where in fact products of my own mind.

So seeing and feeling ghost is easily explainable.
I wonder if their old age and thousands of hours spent close to a plane engine played a significant factor in them not hearing that high pitched warning signal (about 1400hz if i am not mistaken).

I don't know french, so i don't know if they said that they heard the signal, so are you sure they heard it or are you only assuming they had to hear it ?

Everything (and i mean it) that is fitted in any plane needs to be certified, so no warning with such thing as "too high pitched so that only young pilots can hear it" can be certified.

Also, 1400hz is not "that" high pitched.

They heard it, it's pretty sure, in the sense that their brain got the information, but they didn't pay attention. You have to add that they were aware something was wrong (they felt they were too fast compared to their configuration/power settings/pitch attitude and didn't get it was cause of the absence of gear). So it's a typical example of human factors : contributing factors being they were stressed by the fact they had to monitor a previous aircraft pretty tight in the vicinity of the circuit (from what i read) and some other pressure i don't remember. Another contributing factor is the poor design of the alarm (although it's still a light aircraft so it's not an official requirement) since a continuous sound gets erased easily by someone's mind when he's stressed, until he gets back his abilities and expands his Situation Awareness again. It happened to me already quite a few times when you do tricky exercises for an hour, you completely ignore this kind of alarm. On my dual engine training, i had the same alarm for each engine, and when we played with one engine inoperative procedures, faking a shutdown by reducing thrust to zero for one engine, it would sound, and it was a simple alarm so it would sound as long as you are in this configuration. So it was easy to forget the gear down cause when you're supposed to have a horn sound for the gear, you had already been in a constant horn environment for like 10mn. Never had the problem, cause we were trained as pro pilots so we have strict checklists, and the instructor smiles and says "didn't you forget something ?" but it can happen, it actually happened in my school a few years ago (exactly the same as in the video). It's crazy since this is the most basic thing you do in a plane, but a brain is able to forget any stupid things under exterior or internal stress conditions.

The result being they were concentrated on those tasks, stressed, and their Situation Awareness was poor. They didn't react correctly (which is : something is wrong ? -> don't even think, go around and sort it out later). And just discovered it when it was too late. They were lucky it was quite a smooth landing overall.

What they say in french is just things like "didn't you extend the gear ??" "no no" "i was sure there were something wrong" "i know"

Point being : with contributing factors such as stress (natural stress in creepy houses at night), wanting to see things before even seing them, interpretations, false sense informations, one can easily create things in his head, the human brain is just so imperfect !

It has a bit derailed from the topic though I just wanted to add a brick to the wall
I don't think it would be dumb to think that "Sloosher's" in fact don't exist. Get what I'm saying?

Ha !

I googled it and it looks like they exist and i am one of them ! :goggly:

Everything (and i mean it) that is fitted in any plane needs to be certified, so no warning with such thing as "too high pitched so that only young pilots can hear it" can be certified.


I think i remember a thread about your commercial pilot certificate (full respect :) ).

I am only an amateur here, only "flying" in PC flight sim games, but i don't remember ever forgetting about the landing gear during my about 23 years of piloting (started on Flight Simulator on a ZX spectrum).
Ghosts are more "believable" simply because you can visually see something or hear something... that other people could see/hear if they are present when it happens too.

That said, I don't believe in either, though I had a crazy Oija board experience once :lol:

I think i remember a thread about your commercial pilot certificate (full respect :) ).

I am only an amateur here, only "flying" in PC flight sim games, but i don't remember ever forgetting about the landing gear during my about 23 years of piloting (started on Flight Simulator on a ZX spectrum).


Yeah I have to update it this weekend since I got Type Rated for Boeing 737 800 NG this week :)

I have "started" with PC games too, with FS 3.0 with keyboard :lol: But you cannot compare PC sim and real world. Just try one day to take a cessna for a flight lesson, you'll be amazed how more difficult it is in real life because of all the information that come to you and you cannot pause the game, and you won't be able to manage navigation or communications all by yourself before a dozen hours. You can consider that in an aircraft your brain capacity is divided by two hence why it's possible to forget dummy things. FS is amazing although it's a double edge tool and can cause people to get bad habits. I actually used it to train for A320 and B737 flying, with third party softwares like PMDG aircraft etc and it worked amazing. For light aircraft flying it's nice but far from perfect, and people who think they can fly the same in real life discover it's not possible, like doing IFR flight and calculating turn radius and all that shit to make perfect trajectories. In real life, it's impossible cause of all the variables that change in real time, and you have better things to do than that so you just do it roughly. About the landing gear, there is a cool sentence : "There are two types of pilots : those who forgot the landing gear, and those who will" !

I saw a ghost one time.
.. after 2 days of not sleeping. He asked me if I had about "tree fitty" he could get from me.

I treat the things that I don't know about, not as definite, but undefined. If it is something that cannot be explained [meaning of life, GAWD, etc] I don't think about what could be because it bears no relevance to my life.
If it's something that can be explained, but something I just don't understand yet [how do mix drums], I learn about it.

Eventually, the mysteries reveal themselves. Whether I come to understand them doesn't matter to me.

I'd rather spend the time wasted thinking about unexplained things wondering how the fuck do mix drums.
ヽ(◕д ◕)ノ
I fall into Category 1, so I don't really believe in "intelligent" spirits roaming around. I'm open to the possibility of residual hauntings where energy can maybe get trapped in time and cause weird phenomenon, but nothing has really convinced me that even something like this is occurring.