
Silver Incubus said:
Well anyways, I was refering to pictures of things you can't see when you take the picture but they show up on the picture. And yes some times it is light reflection, or dust or something in the air, but when they are not, is when you start to wonder what it could be, especially when they move(with camera's taking regular intervals of pics) and you notice that they are moving around type of thing, but yet to the naked eye you don't see anything.

Even having 1 experience with something like this greatly changes your perspective on many different things.
Then again, humans have the habit of explaining a rare event by a supernatural cause, while most of the time, it can be explained scientificaly and logicly. The best exemple that comes to my mind are lightnings: For hundreds of years, humans thought god/gods created the lightning to show some anger or stuff, while we all know nowadays God has nothing to do with this.
AsModEe said:
Then again, humans have the habit of explaining a rare event by a supernatural cause, while most of the time, it can be explained scientificaly and logicly. The best exemple that comes to my mind are lightnings: For hundreds of years, humans thought god/gods created the lightning to show some anger or stuff, while we all know nowadays God has nothing to do with this.

As I do agree with this, I really don't find ghosts to be supernatural. I think they are just natural. Gods on the other hand, are not something that we have any proof of, or any experience with, but ghosts exist in every society in every place all over the world. God or gods have never been seen as they were always an invisible hand causing events to happen, but ghosts on the other hand are seen by people, and communicated to and from people. How could you really explain the terror or ever plan annoying things that ghost do to people that cause them to move out of house? Surely you can't believe that people would buy a house, where they hear footsteps in the attic when no one is up there, doors closing, things going missing, and reappearing in random spots, and choosing to move out because they can't deal with it. People are not sneaking around these peoples house and freaking them out like the characters from some scoobie do cartoon. They move because something is bothing them. Something they do not understand, and something that can effect physical reality but never or rarely actually seen by the people living there.
i never flat-out said all of the bible was fake, i said most of it was either fake or exaggeration and that "demons" are really deities that are equal to or greater than "God" and having said that, it becomes clearly obvious that these so-called "demons really don't giva a shit about Earthlings

Aaah, sorry. I took 'christianity is a wheelchair for a crippled mind' as disregarding it as false. Needless to say, you obviously know about the ways of the world, and about God and so on. Care to enlighten us who don't? How can you say anything about what 'demons' are and are not anyway? My point was simply that instead of automatically jumping to the conclusion that it is ghosts and so on, other people and faiths have different ideas, this being one of them. I find the above quote ludicrous.
I do not believe in ghosts nor will I until I see one myself. I have many friends who have had experiences with ghosts, but I'm just too skeptical to believe them. Some of my friends and I run around graveyards at night and we've never seen anything. We even take pictures and video sometimes and nothing weird has ever appeared on it.
I'm not responding to this post, I'm just posting photos and relating a story. :)

About 2 years ago or so, some friends and I got drunk and went wandering into a graveyard on a "Ghost Hunt". We all brought cameras and we all got messed up stuff ..anything from glowing green globs, multicolour lightening bolts, smokey fog like stuff etc., and tons of orbs like the following two photos show.

The first two photos were taken moments apart, and we could literally feel the tingle in the air as we followed the group of orbs around. We also saw them with our flashes in the air, so we know they were not artificially created.

I am not implying orbs are ghosts; you guys figure that out.

And no it's not snow, it was not snowing that night.



Here's a shot of the green thing.

Very interesting, Judas. I guess there is just no activity in our graveyard. There is one we always go to, called Veach Cemetary, located near a mainroad, and with a decent amount of lighting nearby. But we found this other one way out in the country, it is extremely old, all the tombstones are completely unreadable, and there is no light whatsoever around. It's pretty creepy actually. We've scared some people while being out there too. Once a truck pulled up and it stopped, obviously it had seen movement (us). We stood still for a moment and then darted towards a tree, causing the truck to speed off into the night. We realized this was probably a way some ghost stories started. Anyways, we have also taken pictures at this place and never seen anything unusual. Also, I have a bad habit of spitting, and I realized I was spitting on the graves one time. I worried for a little while that this would anger the spirits of anything there and feared of being haunted for sometime. Obviously, there are no spirits there or they just don't care, for I have not been haunted. Either way, it is still disrespectful to spit on graves, and I have been more careful to keep my habit in check when visiting the place.
The other night, I was walking home with my friend who can see ghosts, and one started to bother her. At the time we were walking through a park, but it followed us all the way to her house and wouldn't leave her alone. At first I thought she was telling me to leave her alone. She says that it only happens about 1 or 2 times a year. This ghost wanted her to find an object and place it somewhere. Needless to say, she told him to fuck off, and eventually he did, but she was starting to get really pissed off. Because if they know you can see and or hear them, then they will pester you a great deal.
If I could see ghosts, I would go crazy. I'd be so fucking freaked out all the time. I guess after awhile you'd get used to it but at first I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
I'll say one last thing. Prior to our excursion, we were taking a ton of photos know, just messing around before we got there. Anyway, none of them had orbs. After coming back from the Graveyard however, almost every photo we took had mulitple orbs in them.